Monday, September 30, 2019

The Wider Application of vertical roller mill

Vertical roller mill occupies an essential place from the non-ferrous metal production, and this kind of tools is utilized to sinter and roast ore, ore concentrate and intermediate merchandise. The dimension with the kiln is among the primary indicators to present its production capability. With all the vigorous improvement with the non-ferrous metallurgy sector in China, far more and more vertical roller mills and larger and greater specifications are desired. The initial step of metallurgy should be to create aluminum oxide.In alumina oxide production with sintering process, we need to first create the raw materials compounded by bauxite, limestone and alkali into clinker. The sintering process is completed within the vertical roller mill whose inner temperature is 1300;C. The final phase of aluminum oxide manufacturing is to roast aluminum hydroxide into alumina oxide. The inner temperature is about There really are a good deal of wastes in aluminum production – red mud, th at's primarily applied to produce the red mud moment.So there's generally a large-scale red mud cement plant near alumina oxide manufacturing producer with sintering process. The vertical roller mill is the primary products to sinter cement clinker and has become widely used in cement, metallurgy and chemical marketplace. This vertical roller mill is largely composed of rotary physique, supporting gadget, belt wheel, transmission device, movable kiln head, sealing device, burning gadget, and so on and has rewards like basic construction, beatable functioning and controllable processing.Additionally It Is utilized to sinter clay, limestone and slang. In the non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, the vertical roller mill is adopted to sinter resources like Iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, tin, nickel, tungsten, chromium, file, and so forth. By way of example, we will sinter aluminum hydroxide Into alumina oxide and generate pellet ore for blast furnace Rainmaking. In the vertical roller mil l system, we are able to use vertical roller mill to conduct generating roast to lean Iron ore and make It modify from weak magnetic to sturdy magnetic, which Is helpful for magnetic separating.In environmental protection process, we will use vertical roller mill to Incinerate the unsafe wastes and recognize their harmlessness and recycle. Http://www. Slaughterer. Com/products/grandly- mill/lump-alternate-vertical-roller-mill. HTML The Wider Application of vertical roller mill in Nonferrous Metallurgy By Livingston reputable functioning and controllable processing.Additionally it is utilized to sinter ill is adopted to sinter resources like iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, tin, nickel, hydroxide into alumina oxide and generate pellet ore for blast furnace rainmaking. Magnetized roast to lean iron ore and make it modify from weak magnetic to sturdy magnetic, which is helpful for magnetic separating. In environmental protection process, we will use vertical roller mill to incinerate the unsafe wastes and recognize their harmlessness and recycle.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gender Role Reversals In Macbeth Essay

William Shakespeare’s tragedy â€Å"Macbeth† explores and challenges the idea of traditional gender roles and/or gender norms. The female characters in this play have a strong sense of masculine traits while the male characters are actually shown with feminine traits, reversing the stereotypical roles of genders. One of the typical gender norms in society is that men are the workers and providers and essentially the strength of the family, as women take more of a nurturing and caring role and are labeled as emotional and inferior. From this, a man’s physical strength is represented as being strong and brave at superior and horrific times, yet in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, it shows that they, the men, can end up weak while the women remain â€Å"strong† as shown multiple times between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. The roles between the Macbeths’ progressively transition throughout the play showing how the stereotypical gender norms are challenged and explored. The Macbeths obviously do not represent the stereotypical husband and wife. Within the first couple acts of the play when Lady Macbeth is being introduced we can see the sense of dominance and power in her character over her husband, Macbeth, which is not the average stereotypical trait of a woman. Lady Macbeth blatantly distinguishes herself as the dominant force in the relationship. For instance, when Macbeth is hesitant of how to manage King Duncan’s visit to their home, Lady Macbeth instantly seizes control of the situation, demanding that Macbeth lets her take control of the situation as shown in â€Å"Let me handle tonight’s preparations, because tonight will change every night and day for the rest of our lives.† (1.5. 57-60). This is an example of how the gender roles are reversed as the men/husbands of our society are usually portrayed as being assertive or dominant to handling situations, not the women/wives. Macbeth and his wife also switch roles in terms of the amount of ambition they show. While both characters obviously crave power, it is Lady Macbeth who is initially presented as the motivating force in the relationship. Her intentions are purely directed toward obtaining immediate power. For example, after first learning about the witches’ predictions, she immediately creates a murder plan and takes charge  of the situation. This is made evident as she emotionlessly explains to her husband, â€Å"You should project a peaceful mood, because if you look troubled, you will arouse suspicion. Leave all the rest to me.† (1.5. 63-65). However, Macbeth’s first reaction to the prophecy is somehow different in that he is hesitant of what actions should be done to successfully seal his future, stating â€Å"The dangers that actually threaten me here and now frighten me less than the horrible things I’m imagining. Even though it’s just a fantasy so far, the mere thought of committing murder shakes me up so much that I hardly know who I am anymore. My ability to act is stifled by my thoughts and speculations, and the only things that matter to me are things that don’t really exist† (1.3. 142-146). Macbeth and Lady Macbeth also exchange roles in terms of their expression of guilt. Initially, Lady Macbeth is completely unaffected by the thought of murder, and even directly after the murder of King Duncan she remains unaffected by the act. This is recognized through the scene (interaction) in which she handles Macbeth when he forgets to leave the gory daggers at the scene of the murder: â€Å"Coward! Give me the daggers. Dead and sleeping people can’t hurt you any more than pictures can. Only children are afraid of scary pictures.† (2.2. 52-55). In contrast, Macbeth is portrayed as a physical and emotional mess, so much so that he refuses to re-enter the room in which the murder took place, â€Å"I can’t go back. I’m afraid even to think about what I’ve done. I can’t stand to look at it again.† (2.2. 50-51). Macbeth is clearly disturbed by the murder and is troubled by the thought even before completing their plan. When talking about King Duncan he states, â€Å"The king trusts me in two ways. First of all, I am his kinsman and his subject, so I should always try to protect him. Second, I am his host, so I should be closing the door in his murderer’s face, not trying to murder him myself.† (1.7. 13-17) showing how hesitant and reluctant he is to betray and proceed with murdering King Duncan. This shows how the typical gender norms are challenged through Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, as the Macbeths’ gender roles are clearly in contrast to the typical gender norms that society has in just about every aspect. The Macbeths’ personalities reflect the inverse of the social standards and expectations, though as the play continues, it is apparent that it becomes reversed as Lady Macbeth begins to lose her edge and assumes the more submissive role, while Macbe th assumes the assertive position. As Lady  Macbeth begins to unravel, Macbeth becomes the more dominant and stronger force. She no longer has to instigate or persuade him to murder; as he starts to do so on his own. Whenever Macbeth fears someone stands in his way to maintain his kingship, he immediately develops plans for their murder. This is made obvious through his lack of care for Banquo when arranging his murder as seen in â€Å"They can be killed, it’s true. So be cheerful. Before the bat flies through the castle, and before the dung beetle makes his little humming noise to tell us it’s nighttime, a dreadful deed will be done† (3.2.41-44). Throughout the play, the Macbeths progressively take up each other’s common behavior. Lady Macbeth is clearly seen manipulating people for her own benefit (which seems to be a common technique for her), such as frequently challenging Macbeth’s manhood, which she uses in convincing him into killing King Duncan as seen here â€Å"When you dared to do it, that’s when you were a man. And if you go one step further by doing what you dared to do before, you’ll be that much more the man. The time and place weren’t right before, but you would have gone ahead with the murder anyhow. Now the time and place are just right, but they’re almost too good for you. I have suckled a baby, and I know how sweet it is to love the baby at my breast. But even as the baby was smiling up at me, I would have plucked my nipple out of its mouth and smashed its brains out against a wall if I had sworn to do that the same way you have sworn to do this† (1.7.48-59). Through launching such insults at him, Lady Macbeth is easily able to convince him to murder. However, after becoming king, Macbeth uses the same strategy when conferencing with the murderers he hired to get rid of Banquo as seen here in â€Å"Now, if you occupy some place in the list of men that isn’t down at the very bottom, tell me. Because if that’s the case, I will tell you a plan that will get rid of your enemy and bring you closer to me† (3.1.103-106). While earlier Macbeth was reluctant to murder and was therefore pressured to do so by his wife, Lady Macbeth, he rapidly changes into an individual ready to kill, while Lady Macbeth insists, â€Å"Come on, relax, dear. Put on a happy face and look cheerful and agreeable for your guests tonight† (3.2.29-31) and even, â€Å"You have to stop talking like this† (3.2.38), which differs from her previous desire and plea for him to take immediate action. In opposition, as the play begins to reach its conclusion, Lady Macbeth finds herself plagued by guilt. Macbeth, however, is no longer troubled by the  guilt of murder, which he makes clear through the increasing number of people he has killed, including Macduff’s entire family. This description of Macbeth’s obvious lack of guilt directly resembles Lady Macbeth’s previous attitudes at the beginning acts of the play. The gender reversals of the Macbeth’s throughout the play are evidently represented in multiple ways such as (but not limited to), their amount of ambition, dominance and assertiveness in their marriage, guilt, and personalities. Shakespeare’s tragedy â€Å"Macbeth† explores and defies the idea of traditional gender standards through the plot progression within Macbeth, in which the roles of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are reversed. Macbeth challenges the explicit gender norms that society has placed on, both past and present, men and women. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth switch gender roles and explicitly show the dominant traits that the other gender clearly possess. Lady Macbeth clearly breaks several gender norms and expectations with her cold-heartiness and evident masculine characteristics as Macbeth did the same with his more feminine characteristics. Yet, the plot progression throughout the play negatively shows how the characters transition into more of their gen der roles and how it leads to their downfall.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Define Working Capital Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Define Working Capital - Research Paper Example Creditors that supply raw materials and ask payments after a few days or weeks provide leverage to the organization and reduce its working capital requirement. On the other hand, when the company buys raw materials on cash payments, it needs more working capital to run its business. Similarly, when the company sells its finished goods on cash against delivery, the working capital requirement gets reduced; in contrast, when the company sells its goods on credit and receives payments after a few days or weeks, the firms working capital requirement gets enhanced. Therefore, to get the raw material supply on credit with delayed payments and to sell the goods on cash is the most idealistic strategy to have the minimal requirement of working capital particularly, when the firm is short of working capital funds. The management of working capital is the most crucial aspect for the success of any business and to save the company from liquidity

Friday, September 27, 2019

Media and Public Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Media and Public Life - Essay Example Such mobile phones include iPhones, for instance the blackberry phones that comprise of copious features like cameras, data storage, games, and text messengers amongst other composite features. With all these features, it is almost obvious that these gadgets are likely to take over the lives of individuals in the society. This essay shall aim to highlight the concept of mobile phones- blackberry phones- and the implications it has had on the public life. This concept shall also be related to the communication theories, in an attempt to understand the entire concept of media and public life. 2.0. Body The use of cell phones in the society almost has no specific age group. Most persons hold the view that use of cell phones allows them develop a sense of identity in the public arena. Davenport, LaRose & Straubhaar (2009) indicate that the use of mobile phones in the contemporary society can be termed as a compulsory need by the populace. This, on a great percentage, has a lot to do with the way people interrelate with each other in the society. With the introduction of the iPhones, for instance the blackberry phones, the society has in simple terms been reduced to an ‘iPhone society’. The youths are worst affected by the technology. A lot of them have been indicated to constantly be on their phones either making calls, sending SMSs, while others use up a lot of their time browsing the internet, predominantly the social media sites like Face book and Twitter. It is based on the fact that it relates to the hypothesis of Incidental Effects by Aldous Huxley, who indicates that the repercussions of the media have a huge relationship with bootlegging of style and mannerisms among persons in the public (Kumar, 2000). This can be applied in the contemporary society today. The mobile phones have experienced a lot of transformations from the telephones, to larger phones and now internet enabled smart phones. In response, a lot of individuals have gone an extra mile to move with the trendy styles especially the young generation who want to be at par with the sassy trends. Conclusively, the society has been reduced to a generation of calls and texts; thus, an advent of a new short form language that makes it easier to communicate. Turtiainen & Oksman (2004) indicate that the use of mobile phones is not only a device for making calls, but has advanced to be more of a chum to the general public. As indicated earlier, the revolution of the mobile phones has developed in an incredible manner allowing individuals to make a lot of contacts, through their internet enabled iPhones. Since human beings are interactive creatures, the blackberry phones have been of great assistance to improving this form of interactions. Sharing of pictures and chatting with online friends is possible through the click of a button. The limitless possibilities have created a situation whereby individuals are able to develop a social life on their mobile phones as their pass time activity. This kind of life provides a form of relief especially when individuals have been through tough times in their lives. This concurs with the Catharsis theory by Semyour Feshbatch, who carried experiments that concluded that components of the media that were less violent have been useful in reducing the anger and frustrations of individuals in the society (Patnaik, 2008). In the case of the social media, a lot of individ

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Computer networking and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Computer networking and management - Essay Example It is also possible for network managers to restrict or otherwise bock the service for specific types of traffic or threats. (Herman 2006) These tools can be as simple as blocking certain domains from access using open dns or as sophisticated as virus and spyware protection software products. (Korzeniowsk 1998) However there can sometimes be too much control and blocking useful resources can result from over zealous network traffic mangers. Blocking VoIP is just one such threat that may be considered. Blocking peer-to-peer traffic is also another example of the general problem of this threatened innovation. This can also fall into the commercialization of networking. Often many telecommunications executives have threatened to charge extra fees for valuable services simply because they can by blocking the service otherwise. â€Å"As soon as a new application increases the value of network resources†¦ or disproportionately draws upon those resources†¦BSPs [Binary Space Partitioning] may have the economic incentive to surcharge or degrade those services.† (Herman 2006) BSPs can therefore extort fees from users in direct proportion to thier perceived value of the new advancement. Conversely they can also block bandwidth-intensive mechanisms instead of upgrading their networks. â€Å"This systematically favours the technological status quo, reducing the competition for new online innovations and therefore reducing social welfare.† (Herman 2006) Many users have seen this on their existing network where upgrades and updates are avoided rather than spending extra money on new equipment to increase memory and bandwidth. As more and more management tools become available there has been a need for management of the management tools. An excellent example of this is Microsoft’s Small Business Server (SBS) toolbox of management software. Using the windows SBS console the network manager can add view, and edit users quickly and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically assess the role of the contaminated land regime in cleaning Essay

Critically assess the role of the contaminated land regime in cleaning up contaminated land in the UK and how the planning syste - Essay Example The land has to be in a condition such that noteworthy damage is arising or/and, there is a noteworthy probability of the said damage being caused. Additionally, the land has to be in a condition such that controlled waters are being polluted or there is a probability that contamination is likely to occur. The water Act defines contaminated controlled waters as a situation where significant effluence of restricted waters is occurring, and/or there is a noteworthy probability of the said contamination occurring. Polluted land must fall within part 2A definition for it to be said to cause significant damage to people’s wellbeing or other specified receptors. Land development has to incorporate part 2A since a change in land use might bring the development inside the mandatory definition of contaminated land by creating a pollutant linkage (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2002). Other regimes that interact with management of land affected by contamination include the IPC, PPC, WML and WRA. Integrated pollution control (IPC) controls the management of large industrial buildings to lessen the danger of contamination arising. The body is also responsible for remediating the danger resulting from of the authorization. The waste management licensing (WML) controls the way in which waste management facilities are managed, as well as controls the disposal and recovery of controlled waste. Water resource act takes actions to safeguard or remedy the contamination of proscribed waters. The United Kingdom government has instituted and put in place a proactive regime and legal framework to handle land that has been previously contaminated. The new regime offers a means to put in force remediation where the IPC and WML may not apply. For new freeways, the prerequisite for handling the contaminated land will be agreed with the Environment Agency during the planned development. New development may also involve the Integrated Pollution Controls and the Waste Management Licensing. Contaminated land regime or WML might apply depending on the degree of contamination on existing sites that contain contaminated land. The remediation of polluted site is taken to be a waste management operation, and thus falls under the WML regime (Wolf& Stanley, 2010). For a number of remedial techniques, the specialized remediation contractor will need a mobile plant license and waste management site license incase contaminated material remains in the site. The regulatory framework now exists to put in force remediation and cleanup of contaminated land in any state of affairs. In instances where WML and IPC are in force on a specific land site, they will go on being used. The contaminated land administration acts to clean up areas that are not covered under IPC and WML, and initiate the remediation of static land that is polluted. Static land refers to land that is not undergoing redevelopment. Risk evaluation principles are employed to evaluate wh ether a site is contaminated under the meaning of the Environmental Act. Pollution linkage Before land may be defined as contaminated, the risk evaluation process has first to establish that noteworthy damage is being caused, or that there is a considerable likelihood of damage being caused by the presence of a pollutant linkage. Three elements have to be set out for there to be an existence of a noteworthy pollutant. These elements are 1. A

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Theories of Bad Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theories of Bad Leadership - Essay Example And (5) Are good and bad leadership qualitatively different phenomena? Kellerman’s views from her discourse entitled â€Å"Costs and Benefits: Why We Need to Study Bad Leadership† proffered pertinent issue relative to incompetent leaders based on two claims: (1) placing bad leadership on two axes: unethical and ineffective; and (2) stipulating seven types of bad leadership, to wit: incompetent, rigid, intemperate, callous, corrupt, insular, and evil (Kellerman, 2004, pp. 3-4). By eventually expounding on the costs of bad leadership, as well as finding justifications for any perceived benefits and confirming in the end that â€Å"without followers nothing happens, including bad leadership† (Kellerman, 2004, p. 8). One therefore shares the same contention as the evidence Kellerman presented to prove from the cited actual examples that it actually takes two to tango. From the point of view of Kellerman, leaders can fail given the opportune situation and with the assistance, negligence, blind obedience, conformity, or even ignorance of the followers. Aside from exhibiting any or a combination of the seven types of bad leadership enumerated above, leaders apparently fail with the assistance of the followers. Kellerman cited followers who were deemed enablers, blind supporters, covering for the leaders’ mistakes, compliant and ignorant stakeholders who enable leaders to operate without the benefit of checks and balances, and allowing assuming an avoiding stance. Lipman-Blumen’s view, on the other hand, used six psychological factors that explain why people apparently allow, choose, and support the existence of bad leaders. These factors include the needs for reassuring figures, security and certainty, feel special or chosen, and being part of a community; as well as fears for being ostracized and being powerless (Lipman-Bluman, 2006, p. 29). These psychological factors that could be traced since developmental stages form the basis for selecting leaders

Monday, September 23, 2019

Network security fundamentals, security threats, and issues Case Study

Network security fundamentals, security threats, and issues - Case Study Example In addition, data and information (in the form of communication) are often distributed all the way through the network as apparent text (for instance it is not twisted or encrypted). Additionally, using the Internet it is also simple to imitate someone else as they are online. On the other hand, there is at the moment a great deal of suspicion on the subject of internet security, however an excellent information is that we have a wide variety of tools and technologies accessible which can ensure the maximum security of our network against illegal interruption (McConnell, 2004). Normally, the use of a firewall is associated with the Internet. In fact, with the growing popularity of the Internet, the term â€Å"firewall† is a great deal more frequently employed in computer networks. Similar to the firewalls that are used in buildings and homes, computer firewalls take steps as a fence between computers on a network. A firewall is critical for the companies that use a computer ne twork or for individuals with a stable connection to the internet (for instance through cable or DSL). In addition, in the absence of a firewall, any unauthorized person on the network would possibly be able to access, wipe out, and move around to the files or data and information stored in our computer. ... Certainly, in some cases firewalls also block the required transmission, and throughout a frequent practice of alteration, the filters can be tailored to enhance their effectiveness (Wynn, 2012) Moreover, a firewall encompasses a wide variety of associated applications and tools, installed at a network gateway server, which ensures the security of the resources (data, information, and other resources) of a private network from outside users or people from other networks. Additionally, the network firewalls also refer to the security policies that are utilized with the applications and programs. In addition, a business organization having an intranet that facilitates its staff members to get access to the extensive Internet usage makes use of a firewall to stop unauthorized people from getting access to its own confidential data and information resources as well as for keeping an eye on what other resources its own users are able to access. In this scenario, a firewall works directly with a router program, which determines the characteristics of each network packet to decide whether it should be allowed to move toward its target or not. Additionally, a firewall also encompasses or can be installed on a proxy server that formulates network requests in support of terminal users. In some cases, a firewall is installed in a specifically selected computer that is other than the remaining network with the intention that no received requests or queries can reach openly at confidential network resources (Rouse, 2007). At the present, organizations are able to choose from a wide variety of firewall solutions. In fact, there are numerous firewall transmission techniques and tools. In this scenario, one well-known technique is to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Germany Culture Essay Example for Free

Germany Culture Essay Have you ever wondered where the Christmas tree came from? Along time ago, in the early 700’s a monk, called St. Boniface, was preaching to a group of Germanic Druids. The Druids idolized oak trees. And in order to stop the Druids idolatry of oak trees, the monk chopped down a huge one. Crashing down to the earth, the tree crushed everything in its path, except for a small fir sapling. The monk declared that this was a miracle that this one single sapling wasn’t killed and concluded, â€Å"Let this be called the tree of the Christ Child. † And this is how to custom of having a tree during the Christmas season came to be. It was started by the Germans, and moved to Europe, who brought it to America. [Marples] German Americans have had a very large impact on the American society. One of the largest reasons could be that people with German ancestry comprise about 51 million people, which makes up 17% of all of the U.S’s population. That’s roughly one fifth of all America’s population where one of their ancestors originated from Germany. [American] Germans started coming to the British Colonies of the New World, now the northeastern part of America, in the 1680s. Many immigrants from German continued to come to America during the 19th century. Many immigrated to America because of shortage of land, and religious or political oppression in Europe. [Zane] Even in recent times, Germans have helped shape America into what it is today. German Americans have influenced almost every field of American society, including science, architecture, industry, sports, entertainment, theology, government, and the military. Generals Baron von Steuben, John Pershing, Dwight Eisenhower, and Norman Schwarzkopf commanded the United States Army in the American Revolutionary War, World War I, World War II, and the Persian Gulf War. John D. Rockefeller, William Boeing, Walter Chrysler, George Westinghouse, and Donald Trump have also been an important part of American industry and business. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Jack Nicklaus, Doris Day, and Leonardo DiCaprio became famous athletes or actors. And finally Albert Einstein and Wernher von Braun, two German Americans, greatly effected America and the whole world. Many famous, well known, and people who have changed America greatly have been German Americans. [German] German Americans have also changed the American food greatly also. Germans brought hog dogs and hamburgers to the America’s, which is now known as the â€Å"American Food†, or the food that people think of when they hear America. They also have the beer brewing dominated for most of America. German immigrants Eberhard, Anheuser, Adolphus Busch, and others have greatly changed America’s beer market. [Mittelman] [Home of the Hamburger] Overall, the effect that German Americans have had on America is huge. They have helped shake America in many ways including holiday traditions, science, sports, entertainment, and government. America is not made of one people, but of many. And their idea’s and traditions all mixed together is what makes this such a great country.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Structured Language and Higher Learning Essay Example for Free

Structured Language and Higher Learning Essay Simplified, social language plays acts as a vehicle for students to comprehend the basis of others’ arguments or opinions. According to Moore and Zainudin (2003), English learners use critical thinking skills to analyze dilemmas that may have been difficult to understand if they were complex issues (p.1). Teachers that emphasize the importance of familiar context could ease the English learners’ progress into acquiring their new language. Utilizing the mechanics of communication: listening, reading, writing, and speaking; create open opportunities for the students to get a â€Å"feel† of the other party’s perspective of their dialogue (Moore Zainudin, 2003, p. 2). Strong, constructed arguments tap into students’ imagination and ability to compile syllogisms. Their attempt to explain the premises of their experience; e.g. Yukiko’s inquiry of Vanessa’s recent piracy in correlation with her mother being a web designer, can build an understanding of the flaw in their understanding (Moore Zainudin, 2003, p.4). In other words, if the students realize that their responses are incoherent with their thesis or stated argument, they may reconstruct their thinking to align with facts involved in their learning. Structured controversial dialog allows students the opportunity to move from concrete usage to more abstract ideas. Moore and Zainudin’s (2003) example, â€Å"Telling on the Bully† scenario, Hiro is aware of Dylan’s behavior towards one of his friends (p 3). Hiro’s discussion with Erica brings the concreteness of him witnessing Dylan bullying another kid, but his internal conflict (retribution) comes to surface when Erica asks him if he will inform the teacher (p.5). Teachers can use the concepts of abstractness to complete the structure of a complete argument, thus, enhancing the student’s critical thinking through controversial dialogue. Reference Cited Moore, R. and Zainuddin,   H. (2003, June). Enhancing Critical Thinking with Structured Controversial Dialogues, 6. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from