Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Adult Bullying And The Workplace - 1555 Words

Adult bullying in the workplace has become quite commonplace and its consequences can be far-reaching. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 146 million Americans are employed in the United States, and an estimated 54 million of those are bullied at work (Namie, 2007). These statistics are staggering. Bullying is defined as a combination of verbal abuse and behaviors that are humiliating, threatening, or intimidating and create harm (health, social, or economic) to individuals and may interfere with their productivity at work (Namie, 2007). With a prevalence of bullying taking place in the workplace, it appears that organizations need to better provide a sense of community and psychological support to its employees to address this widespread issue. The appropriate communication within the organization can make all the difference. In the workplace, bullying usually takes one of three forms: supervisors abusing subordinates (most common), coworkers abusing other coworkers, or subordinates abusing their bosses or higher-ups (least common) (Einarsen, Hoel, Zapf, Cooper, 2003). Bullying can take place in any workplace environment, but since my interest lies in working as a pharmacist in a hospital setting, I am going to examine the nature of bullying in hospitals and other healthcare organizations. Bullying in hospitals and other healthcare organizations has been associated with self-reported burn out, psychological and somatic complaints, dissatisfaction,Show MoreRelatedCurrent Literature Regarding the History of Bullying Research1254 Words   |  6 PagesAdult bullying at work is shockingly common and very destructive. In an in-depth analysis of 146 organizations worldwide, workplaces evidencing bullying on a relatively routine basis made up 44% of the total analyzed. U.S. studies also suggest alarming prevalence rates. During any given 6 to 12 month period, up to 13 percent of workers are bullied on the job; this increases significantly when coun ting those bullied anytime during their careers .These numbers translate to millions of workers: AccordingRead MoreBullying : A Serious Problem1326 Words   |  6 Pagesissue of bullying may seem insignificant and petty, but the truth is we are conditioned to ignore it. The fear of being the next victim has caused many to lose sight of their moral compass when it comes to defending one another or standing up for what is right. Instead we cower and turn our attention to giving way to the biggest and loudest voice. Most people are prone to neglect the fact someone is being bullied, because once again they fear becoming the next victim. School bullying is a problemRead MoreParticipant Participation In Psychology1054 Words   |  5 Pagesbe drawn from older adult populations, defined as individuals above the age of 59. Participants will be drawn from two pools. The first participant pool will be drawn from a list of older adults that have agreed to participate in psychology resear ch. This pool largely consists of older adults located in Greenville, SC, with significant amounts of the population being drawn from the Woodlands, an older adult community, and OLLI, a continuing education program for older adults. This pool will be acquiredRead MoreNegative Effects Of Bullying Essay1175 Words   |  5 PagesEffects of Bullying In the 2014-2015 school years, 292,400 students reported being bullied out of a total of 763,000 students (Student Reports of Bullying: results From the 2015 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey, National Center for Education statistics(NCES)). Bullying does not affect only children in school, but can also happen to adults. Bullying has an immense effect on people of all ages. Whether it is an adolescent at school, or an adult in their workplace environmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Workplace On The Organization And Answer The Following Questions Essay1290 Words   |  6 Pageshurtful behavior. Almost everyone has succumbed to bullying in life, whether it was in the role as an innocent target, horrible aggressor, or tacit bystander. Thus, recently social media seems to express utter disdain with bullies terrifying innocuous classmates in schools, but many organizations overlook workplace bullying and underestimate its power since it is not a punishable of fense. Consequently, almost 14 million American adults succumb to bullying daily, and millions more experience the mortifyingRead MoreThe Effects Of Workplace Bullying On The Organization And Answer The Following Questions Essay1315 Words   |  6 Pageshurtful behavior. Almost everyone has succumbed to bullying in life, whether it was in the role as an innocent target, horrible aggressor, or tacit bystander. Thus, recently social media seems to express utter disdain with bullies terrifying innocuous classmates in schools, but many organizations overlook workplace bullying and underestimate its power since it is not a punishable offense. Consequently, almost 14 million American adults succumb to bullying daily, and millions more experience the mortifyingRead MoreThe Lifetime Effects Of Bullying And Bullied808 Words   |  4 PagesTopic: The lifetime effects of bullying and being bullied General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To give a clear understanding of the various concepts and theories the effects of bullying and/or being bullied can have on people during their adult lifespan. Thesis Statement: In the peer-reviewed article Bullying and Being Bullied in Childhood Are Associated with Different Psychosocial Risk Factors for Poor Physical Health in Men, authors Karen A. Matthews, Richard J. Jennings, Laisze LeeRead MoreBullying Is The Lack Of Consensus Among Employers939 Words   |  4 Pagesthe greatest challenges to understanding and overcoming the phenomenon of workplace bullying is the lack of consensus among employers, researchers, and legislators as to what defines workplace bullying. Definitions of the phenomena overlap with some definitions being described as too broad or too narrow. Some complain that definitions are not precise enough or lack the span necessary to include all forms of workplace bullying. One reason there are so many definitions is because there are many componentsRead MoreCyber Bullying1493 Words   |  6 PagesPLAYED ON MEAGAN IS KNOWN AS CYBER BULLYING. IN THE YEARS SINCE I FIRST HEARD THIS STORY I’VE HEARD PLENTY MORE STORIES THAT FIT THIS CATEGORY SUCH AS THE SUICIDE OF RYAN HALLIGAN, AND TYLER CLEMENTI JUST TO NAME A COUPLE. CONSTANTLY HEARING THESE STORIES IN THE NEWS LET ME KNOW THAT CYBER-BULLYING IS A GROWING PHENOMENON AFFECTING MANY LIVES AROUND THE WORLD WHICH IS WHY I CHOSE THIS TOPIC TO RESEARCH. TODAY I WANT TO TELL YOU WHAT PROFESSIONALS DESCRIBE AS CYBER-BULLYING ,SOME OF THE ACCREDITED RESEARCHRead MoreBullying, The, And Who Might Be Affected And Why?1664 Words   |  7 Pagesthe globe and has come to the forefront is the term â€Å"bullying†. It seems that everywhere on the news you see an incidence relating to bullying. There are organizations that are looking into solutions to combat this epidemic problem whether it may be through implementing training programs in schools or through the legal system. Seems like everyone is being bullied nowadays whether it be in schools, workplace, gays, lesbians, children, adult, transgender youth, LGBT community, everyone seems to

Monday, December 23, 2019

Andrew Turner s Sentence Of His Crime Was Unacceptable...

Furthermore, Turner’s sentence of his crime was unacceptable and caused an outrage, as the member of the public criticised Judge Aaron Persky of judicial bias in favour of male privilege and having an elite status (Stack, 2016). Thus, giving a perception of special treatment by the Judge Persky which highlighted Turner’s position as a star athlete and an All-American swimmer in a top university; as well as, his father, Dan Turner believed that his son should have not deserved a long sentence because, he has no previous criminal history. Dan Turner also claimed that his son was not being himself and was mentally unstable for what he had to go through during the trial. The Judge Persky stated that a longer sentence would have had severe impact on Turner (Vaidyanathan, 2016). Therefore, in relation to a feminist perspective within this case, it is expected that in a patriarchal society that men are frequently holding the position of social, legal and institutional dominanc y and power over women. Thus, being able to be positioned to withhold major benefits from women who rejects them sexual access; moreover, to threatening penalties and harm (Whisnant, 2013). It does not matter about what class you are from; a crime is still crime and rape is by far the worst crime an individual should go through. The fact that Turner’s father said that he did not deserve a longer sentence is despicable. Alcohol consumption may be a factor of how rape can occur, but it is not the reason or

Sunday, December 15, 2019

American Business History Free Essays

There was a time when concept of employing technology was very vague therefore a major company decided to stop making technological accessories such as mainframe computer at that time because they thought there is no profit in it, but as the time passed the necessity of having PCs increased phenomenally in 1980s. Since then a series of developing PCs got started by improving the security, compatibility and other issues every time. Then comes HP i. We will write a custom essay sample on American Business History or any similar topic only for you Order Now e. Hewlett Packard as a solution provider in information technology. It aimed to serve consumers, businesses, and institutions globally (HP, 2009). The surfacing of Information technology has changed the way people do their businesses, instead of huge man power for manual operations; organizations now need a technology solution that is optimized and easy to perform. The case with institutions is the employment of an optimal system for its functioning. Consumers today want to have each domestic and official problem to be solved using technology. HP is famous for the products it makes, but from its foundation in 1939 till now it has been providing solutions to humanity. Getting started from the invention of oscillators for Walt Disney they have reached to the status of launching Apple iPods being one of the most trusted brands (HP, 2009). The effects of generating technology solutions are huge. The way of living has revolutionalized, core operations have changed their shape. The PC systems have become the personal items now therefore the demand has increased and with the advancement of technology the cost is cutting down day by day. In this paper, there is an analysis on the cultural changes, social impacts, and optimal advantages we have got after the emergence of information technology. Cultural Changes The computers today are amongst the most essential technology accessories which include other things as well like television, weapons, etc. The cultural changes refer to the change in common practices of people living in a culture. Common use of personal computers has brought out a change on a public level. With the progress of technology everyone has started expecting more and more, even a low-class family would need a PC, and if a middle class or high class family is there, then a PC per head is in demand. Every person has started keeping a bigger circle of friends and he keeps in touch very easily with everyone of them. The extensive usage of anything does not increase the price, rather the price decreases and that thing becomes affordable. This affordability allows people to use the PCs in different areas e. g. education. Now people think that if a child would take a PC with himself to school, it will be the key to his better learning. But researches have proved that the PCs of children should not remain unchecked otherwise it would be equally negative as the watching television programs untiringly (Dr. David Walsh, 2007). The investors regularly check the stocks; youngsters keep themselves updated with the latest scores, or result statistics, children seek help for their homework and studies (Purdy, 2008). The culture of America has changed by leaps and bounds, this includes the fact that a person who can just read and write is no more considered educated until he gets proper schooling and unless he grooms himself to be a computer literate. The American culture has changed so much that even the people in America did not know themselves that there lifestyle is going to change entirely in the next half century. Now from dawn to dusk, most of the official and domestic stuff is performed on computer. Every transaction, including farming activities to the supply of basic necessities, has been computerized now. Banking, food delivery to home, water supply, shopping, reading, writing, everything has lost its actual medium and has turned to computers now because this is the place where one can perform all of them. Today, in America, only a few jobs would be there without the requirement of computer literacy. Through computers many of the job positions have been introduced such as software developers, software engineers, hardware technicians, network administrator etc. People in America are found to be more impatient now because they require rapid results now. A habit of multitasking has become very regular in culture. People dine, work, communicate, and get entertained at the same time through this single medium. A habit of laziness is being practically observed as a cultural habit now, because people have become habitual of doing everything on their personal computers now. Now computers are an individual possession. People can hardly share their PCs with others. The prevalence of computers has developed a habit of overlooking minor things. In early days people with good spellings were unique, and others ought to learn this for their spruce. The research and development work is no more a hassle for people going to libraries and grasping the encyclopedias and books all over, rather they use computers for quick work. Thus the beginning of computer as a common entity has changed the way of life wholly (Essays. CC, 2004). Social Impact The usage of PCs has left behind some impacts on society. Positive impacts are indeed uncountable and have been in the discussion above but socially and morally it is observed that a great deterioration has appeared in the attitude of people. Brilliant students in the class get addicted and start losing their grades; youngsters get captivated with their gaming activities so much that they are hardly able to catch up with the loss in their studies. Many kill big part of their time in communicating with their old mates, and family member living abroad. Big professionals waste their energy and time in searching things of their interest, instead of spending efforts in their professional growth. Some people do not even notice the time they sat in front of the PC. These social impacts obviously result in failure of different sorts. Though they are using a very smart device of the time still they are suffering from various psychological and physical syndromes like dry eyes, sleeping disorders, irregular eating habits, migraine headaches, hygiene problems, depression, obsession, lying habit, back aches etc (CAS-Computer Addiction Services, 2003). Effects on Business Industry There would be no two views about the fact that businesses have got an immense boom after the emergence of computer technology. Business is not restricted to any specific area now, but has widened significantly. The American industry has earned a lot from it but industry can have even more. People most of the times do not feel comfortable while doing transaction on their Computer systems because they are always threatened by the hacking activities. This security issue restricts the users from doing the transactions with complete freedom. With that small companies have earned good revenues through doing businesses online in one-room organization. (Hutchison, 1999). Just because the American industry was adaptable to the changes which were made to the way of doing business, it flourished. These changes were all the way from production, selling, marketing, till the maintenance. Therefore who ever adapted these changes got success. The businesses are developing because of collaborative communications (Business will Change, 2009). Conclusion Computer technology has revolutionized the lifestyle of today. Although the computers had been designed to serve the humanity, but due to its advancement, humanity itself has to reach the advancement in order to get the most out of it. This is so true that invention of computers have changed us more than changing our domain. Computers have provided us the smooth road of optimization, but it does need our sharp attitude to make decisions in an instance to get the results. Emergence of digital computers have given the way to promote technology and transform the atmosphere in our surroundings for a positive change in society, exactly like the invention of steam engine gave way to other inventions for economic development. It’s an ongoing process to first create technology than adapt it fully to make the most of it. Digital Computers direct us to learn the memory management, storage devices, programming language etc. because these are the things that will help us to invent more things in technology. Now we are able to manage bigger and multifarious organization and we can invest higher amounts with reliability due to its emergence. The invention of computer is different from others because all the other inventions extended certain domains but computers accelerated us to grow culturally (Business will Change, 2009). References Business will Change. (2009, February 13). How collective intelligence will change the way we do business. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from Business Will Change: http://www. business-will-change. com/ CAS-Computer Addiction Services. (2003). Do any of these stories sound familiar to you? Retrieved February 18, 2009, from Computer Addiction Services: http://www. computeraddiction. com/ Dr. David Walsh. (2007). How does having a computer effects you child’s intelligence. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from Family Magazine Group: http://www. familymagazinegroup. com/education/story_How+Does+Having+a+Computer+Affect+Your+%3C%3Ccity%3E%3E+Child%27s+Intelligence%3F. html Essays. CC. (2004). How the Computer has Changed American Culture. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from Free Essays, Cliff Notes and Term Papers Database: http://www. essays. cc/free_essays/g5/kzo130. shtml HP. (2009). Company Information. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from HP: http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/index. html? mtxs=corpmtxb=3mtxl=1 HP. (2009). http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/abouthp/histnfacts/. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from HP: http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/abouthp/histnfacts/ Hutchison, M. (1999). Electronic Commerce- How it is effecting the American Industry? Retrieved February 18, 2008, from The Culture of Information: http://transcriptions. english. ucsb. edu/archive/courses/liu/english165/student-papers/hutchison. html Jasanoffet, S. (1994). Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Beverley Hills, CA: Sage Publications. Purdy, R. (2008). Internet-Boon or Detrement to Society? Retrieved February 18, 2009, from Interactive Media Lab,University of Florida: http://iml. jou. ufl. edu/projects/STUDENTS/Purdy/INDEX. HTM How to cite American Business History, Papers American Business History Free Essays From colonial period (1700’s) to the transitional and technological age (1900’s) there is always a need of business for United States. United States grew from merchant traders; small family oriented farming businesses to a hub of giant multi-national companies employing hundreds of thousands on manpower in industries and services. Government played a crucial role in the American Business by granting business loans and encouraging the industrial projects. We will write a custom essay sample on American Business History or any similar topic only for you Order Now Calvin Coolidge the president of United States quoted in 1925 as â€Å"The chief business of American people is business†. Now American business is well developed business with stability and technology â€Å"Business History American Business, Cornell University Business Journal, 2008†. The Federal Government implemented influential laws and trademark acts for the protection of the business. The Hewlett Packard company (NYSE: HPQ) which is commonly called as â€Å"HP† is one of the largest personal computer manufacturer in the world. HP has more than three hundred thousand employees all over the world. Started in the year 1934, which is a transitional period for the business in United States. With the support from the government and technological assistance from other companies, Now HP is developed as one of the largest manufacturing industry in United States. Based in Palo Alto, CA the company introduced a variety of products into the market and was found success in there way. Page 2 Bibliography 1. Andrew James and George Warwick â€Å"Business History American Business, Cornell University Business Journal, 2008† 2. David Rosemary, Article â€Å"Development of American Business† in Global Business Impact, 2001 3. Hewlett Packard Profile – www. redmondmag. com/reports/articles How to cite American Business History, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Public Lands Politics and Management Planning

Question: Discuss about the Public Lands Politics and Management Planning. Answer: Introduction In the modern world, with the advancement in the science and technology, there has been scope for development all over the globe. One of the main areas of development has been in the field of health and medicine. The creation of new and improved life saving drugs and diagnosis has reduced the mortality rate of the human beings. The rise in the population in the world means more pressure on the land as every human being requires per square meter of land to live on (Forman 2014). The increase in the population has led to the management of the land properly so that every human being gets to survive properly without affecting the balance of the environment. The current paper tries to find out the land management planning issues, which the government of New Zealand plans to undertake to establish an efficient land management system so that the environmental aspects as well as human beings live properly in the environment of New Zealand. Planning Issues in New Zealand Planning refers to the series of operations undertaken by the government in order to complete their legal responsibilities under the framework, which governs the land use and funding the infrastructure. It even creates plans, policies, rules and pricing regimes to make the legislative framework effective. The New Zealand Planning Institute believes that planning is an ongoing process involving formulation review and implementation of the management plans, corporate and public policies and proposals on the regional and national level concentrating on land, water and air resources, development of social, economic and cultural aspect and the management of the modified and natural environment (Culhane 2013). The planning practice tries to include a vast range of operations and objectives. There are a few examples identified by the government about the goals of planning like the spatial plan for the Auckland region where the goals are inclusive of the activities, which are not in the hands of the local government like the vaccination rate, export growth etc. The main questions pertaining to the planning issues are as follows: Appropriate scope of Planning The expansion planning refers to regulations, which needs to be increased so that it can restrict and control the land use for the aesthetic purposes. The considerations for aesthetics require special attention because it acts as the core of planning objectives to create attractive places, which will motivate and enrich the lives of people. The buildings that are eye catching to the neighbors have a positive effect and improper buildings have a negative impact (Robinson 2013) The question of a good design is subjective, as some aesthetic judgments will get more agreement while others are clearly polarizing. Role of Planning in Controlling Land Use The government intervenes in the market where there are failures. In case of land use, there are failures specifically due to land markets are subject to negative impacts that are not priced and thus, the actions of the land users affect the resources of the others like air and noise pollution. The value of some land uses that are not priced or are under priced in the market can lead to the reduction in the optimal amenities like parks and reserves (Shortet al. 2013). The improper protection of the sites, the value of which are not fully reflected through the community needs better supervision. There are even failures of co-ordination. For example, new construction of roads and railways involves synchronizing of public and private organizations, which results to the problem of coordination, which leads to the land not being used efficiently. Land Use Regulation and Coordination The intervention of the government involves the land zoning into industrial, commercial and residential to separate the incompatible land uses. It even includes rules like specifying the maximum height of the buildings, allowable coverage site etc. the zoning is helpful in making provisions for parks and recreational areas where the people reside. The location of the compatible uses is undertaken to coordinate, plan for infrastructure, which might be expensive in some cases (Raoet al. 2015). The fundamental challenge for the government is to decrease the negativities associated with land without destroying the benefits brought in self-organization. The best way to do that is to plan and design the infrastructure and policies without effecting the self-organizing land and labor market. The complexity of the urban cities with a fast life acts a challenge to the land management problem as it becomes difficult to plan and regulate the land use actions and preserve amenities for the local and national residents (O'riordan 2014). The growing population puts a lot of pressure on land and the unorganized growth of the cities affect the planning process for the government to manage the land. Conclusion The current paper therefore, finds out the main planning issues pertaining in New Zealand regarding the land management. The government tries to evaluate the problems regarding the land use and tries to implement plans and policies so that a proper management is possible. The paper highlights the main issues of planning and tries to find a solution for effective land management to keep a healthy and safe environment. Reference List Culhane, P.J., 2013.Public lands politics: Interest group influence on the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Routledge. Avaialable at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=tY8uAgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Culhane,+P.J.,+2013.+Public+lands+politics:+Interest+group+influence+on+the+Forest+Service+and+the+Bureau+of+Land+Management.+Routledgeots=rR3R_OlSytsig=OwibnCUxD8BaRjKgLcMNwqYYoKc#v=onepageqf=false Forman, R.T., 2014.Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions (1995)(p. 217). Island Press. Available at: https://link.springer.com/book/10.5822/978-1-61091-491-8#page=239 O'riordan, T., 2014.Environmental science for environmental management. Routledge. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=3WeuBAAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=O%27riordan,+T.,+2014.+Environmental+science+for+environmental+management.+Routledgeots=3wP7d6x1zBsig=8FwNA5qquIg9auoVYCk6GI3xJOk#v=onepageq=O'riordan%2C%20T.%2C%202014.%20Environmental%20science%20for%20environmental%20management.%20Routledgef=false Rao, M.V., Babu, V.S., Chandra, S. and Chary, G.R. eds., 2015.Integrated Land Use Planning for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. CRC Press. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=q4BjCgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Rao,+M.V.,+Babu,+V.S.,+Chandra,+S.+and+Chary,+G.R.+eds.,+2015.+Integrated+Land+Use+Planning+for+Sustainable+Agriculture+and+Rural+Development.+CRC+Pressots=e8OgpYumOVsig=wWJzwDXO8Gdx88JHqZEkuI-CaZY#v=onepageqf=false Robinson, G.O., 2013.The Forest Service: A study in public land management. Routledge. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=x5UuAgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Robinson,+G.O.,+2013.+The+Forest+Service:+A+study+in+public+land+management.+Routledgeots=hinZEESWg3sig=RbS8KRjEavvxQWrhU6eOFhsa6Zc#v=onepageq=Robinson%2C%20G.O.%2C%202013.%20The%20Forest%20Service%3A%20A%20study%20in%20public%20land%20management.%20Routledgef=false Short, M., Baker, M., Carter, J., Jones, C. and Jay, S., 2013.Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning: an international evaluation. Routledge. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=hM3vNKGSjKgCoi=fndpg=PR2dq=Short,+M.,+Baker,+M.,+Carter,+J.,+Jones,+C.+and+Jay,+S.,+2013.+Strategic+environmental+assessment+and+land+use+planning:+an+international+evaluation.+Routledge.ots=XL9R-X6Htusig=wwoTW_JHVyRSVTxIUDAtFIjCTd8#v=onepageqf=false

Public Lands Politics and Management Planning

Question: Discuss about the Public Lands Politics and Management Planning. Answer: Introduction In the modern world, with the advancement in the science and technology, there has been scope for development all over the globe. One of the main areas of development has been in the field of health and medicine. The creation of new and improved life saving drugs and diagnosis has reduced the mortality rate of the human beings. The rise in the population in the world means more pressure on the land as every human being requires per square meter of land to live on (Forman 2014). The increase in the population has led to the management of the land properly so that every human being gets to survive properly without affecting the balance of the environment. The current paper tries to find out the land management planning issues, which the government of New Zealand plans to undertake to establish an efficient land management system so that the environmental aspects as well as human beings live properly in the environment of New Zealand. Planning Issues in New Zealand Planning refers to the series of operations undertaken by the government in order to complete their legal responsibilities under the framework, which governs the land use and funding the infrastructure. It even creates plans, policies, rules and pricing regimes to make the legislative framework effective. The New Zealand Planning Institute believes that planning is an ongoing process involving formulation review and implementation of the management plans, corporate and public policies and proposals on the regional and national level concentrating on land, water and air resources, development of social, economic and cultural aspect and the management of the modified and natural environment (Culhane 2013). The planning practice tries to include a vast range of operations and objectives. There are a few examples identified by the government about the goals of planning like the spatial plan for the Auckland region where the goals are inclusive of the activities, which are not in the hands of the local government like the vaccination rate, export growth etc. The main questions pertaining to the planning issues are as follows: Appropriate scope of Planning The expansion planning refers to regulations, which needs to be increased so that it can restrict and control the land use for the aesthetic purposes. The considerations for aesthetics require special attention because it acts as the core of planning objectives to create attractive places, which will motivate and enrich the lives of people. The buildings that are eye catching to the neighbors have a positive effect and improper buildings have a negative impact (Robinson 2013) The question of a good design is subjective, as some aesthetic judgments will get more agreement while others are clearly polarizing. Role of Planning in Controlling Land Use The government intervenes in the market where there are failures. In case of land use, there are failures specifically due to land markets are subject to negative impacts that are not priced and thus, the actions of the land users affect the resources of the others like air and noise pollution. The value of some land uses that are not priced or are under priced in the market can lead to the reduction in the optimal amenities like parks and reserves (Shortet al. 2013). The improper protection of the sites, the value of which are not fully reflected through the community needs better supervision. There are even failures of co-ordination. For example, new construction of roads and railways involves synchronizing of public and private organizations, which results to the problem of coordination, which leads to the land not being used efficiently. Land Use Regulation and Coordination The intervention of the government involves the land zoning into industrial, commercial and residential to separate the incompatible land uses. It even includes rules like specifying the maximum height of the buildings, allowable coverage site etc. the zoning is helpful in making provisions for parks and recreational areas where the people reside. The location of the compatible uses is undertaken to coordinate, plan for infrastructure, which might be expensive in some cases (Raoet al. 2015). The fundamental challenge for the government is to decrease the negativities associated with land without destroying the benefits brought in self-organization. The best way to do that is to plan and design the infrastructure and policies without effecting the self-organizing land and labor market. The complexity of the urban cities with a fast life acts a challenge to the land management problem as it becomes difficult to plan and regulate the land use actions and preserve amenities for the local and national residents (O'riordan 2014). The growing population puts a lot of pressure on land and the unorganized growth of the cities affect the planning process for the government to manage the land. Conclusion The current paper therefore, finds out the main planning issues pertaining in New Zealand regarding the land management. The government tries to evaluate the problems regarding the land use and tries to implement plans and policies so that a proper management is possible. The paper highlights the main issues of planning and tries to find a solution for effective land management to keep a healthy and safe environment. Reference List Culhane, P.J., 2013.Public lands politics: Interest group influence on the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Routledge. Avaialable at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=tY8uAgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Culhane,+P.J.,+2013.+Public+lands+politics:+Interest+group+influence+on+the+Forest+Service+and+the+Bureau+of+Land+Management.+Routledgeots=rR3R_OlSytsig=OwibnCUxD8BaRjKgLcMNwqYYoKc#v=onepageqf=false Forman, R.T., 2014.Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions (1995)(p. 217). Island Press. Available at: https://link.springer.com/book/10.5822/978-1-61091-491-8#page=239 O'riordan, T., 2014.Environmental science for environmental management. Routledge. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=3WeuBAAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=O%27riordan,+T.,+2014.+Environmental+science+for+environmental+management.+Routledgeots=3wP7d6x1zBsig=8FwNA5qquIg9auoVYCk6GI3xJOk#v=onepageq=O'riordan%2C%20T.%2C%202014.%20Environmental%20science%20for%20environmental%20management.%20Routledgef=false Rao, M.V., Babu, V.S., Chandra, S. and Chary, G.R. eds., 2015.Integrated Land Use Planning for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. CRC Press. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=q4BjCgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Rao,+M.V.,+Babu,+V.S.,+Chandra,+S.+and+Chary,+G.R.+eds.,+2015.+Integrated+Land+Use+Planning+for+Sustainable+Agriculture+and+Rural+Development.+CRC+Pressots=e8OgpYumOVsig=wWJzwDXO8Gdx88JHqZEkuI-CaZY#v=onepageqf=false Robinson, G.O., 2013.The Forest Service: A study in public land management. Routledge. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=x5UuAgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Robinson,+G.O.,+2013.+The+Forest+Service:+A+study+in+public+land+management.+Routledgeots=hinZEESWg3sig=RbS8KRjEavvxQWrhU6eOFhsa6Zc#v=onepageq=Robinson%2C%20G.O.%2C%202013.%20The%20Forest%20Service%3A%20A%20study%20in%20public%20land%20management.%20Routledgef=false Short, M., Baker, M., Carter, J., Jones, C. and Jay, S., 2013.Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning: an international evaluation. Routledge. Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=hM3vNKGSjKgCoi=fndpg=PR2dq=Short,+M.,+Baker,+M.,+Carter,+J.,+Jones,+C.+and+Jay,+S.,+2013.+Strategic+environmental+assessment+and+land+use+planning:+an+international+evaluation.+Routledge.ots=XL9R-X6Htusig=wwoTW_JHVyRSVTxIUDAtFIjCTd8#v=onepageqf=false

Friday, November 29, 2019

Removal Act Of 1830 Essays - Cherokee Nation, United States

Removal Act Of 1830 Wallace Two distinct cultures existed on this Earth with the migration of man many thousands of years ago from Eurasia to the American continent. The people from the migration to the Americas had absolutely no contact with the people in Europe and Asia after they migrated. In fact, the two civilizations evolved in totally different manners, and at different speeds. The people in the Americas, or Native Americans existed mainly as hunter-gatherers using tools of bone, wood, and useful animal parts. Native Americans formed their beliefs into many different religions, and resided happily perhaps in buckskin wigwams or wooden longhouses. At the height of their civilization though, whites in Europe had their own religions and sociological issues and beliefs. The two cultures had evolved at different speeds, and in different directions. Civilization in Europe started centuries before civilization in the Americas began, leaving Europe with a massive head-start in key cultural areas; hence, a major cultural clash occurred when Columbus sailed the Ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety-two. The whites from Europe simply could not tolerate the Native Americans, or Indians, overall lack of civilization, as the Europeans described themselves. For hundreds of years, the two groups fought over land, religion, and other major components their separate lifestyles. Eventually, whites started coming over in large masses in the mid-eighteenth century when the riches of America enticed them to abandon their mother country and its growing problems of the American Revolution. The Europeans, or Americans (as opposed to Native Americans), and the Indians were fast approaching a do or die situation. The Indians were desperately trying to salvage what land they could keep from the white settlers, after all past attempts had more or less failed. On the other hand, the Americans were pushing the Indians as hard as they could to the Western half of North America ( North America being divided by the Mississippi). They wanted to settle the Eastern portion of their land without the Indians revolting, getting in the way with their religions, and stirring up the general racism that the majority of the white settlers possessed in that time period. Basically, the whites did not want the Indians to live among them or near them, and the Indians did not want to simply give up their land and move hundreds of miles away. In the late 1700s and early portion of the 1800s, the Americans practiced an unwritten removal policy, of unfairly acquiring Native American land, destroying Indian tribes, and forcing Natives to recede into the depths of the land they have lived upon for thousands of years. The Indians put up quite a resistance for a few hundred years, but the time had finally arrived when the whites were seriously thinking about passing a bill through their Congress that would demand that all Native Americans move on the Western side of the Mississippi River. For the Americans, inf luential scholars, military heroes, and religious leaders each had his own opinion on whether they had the right to pass a rather finalizing law on such a major issue. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, which in short gives Americans the legal right to force Indians out of their present homes east of the Mississippi, onto a reservation west of the Mississippi. The margin of the Removal Acts victory in Congress was very narrow. Influential Americans such as Lewis Cass, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Frelinghuysen, John Forsyth, John Ross, and others expressed their opinions to the public and Congress before the passage of the Removal Act. Lewis Cass, Andrew Jackson, and John Forsyth were three of the pro-removal leaders who helped influence Congress to ratify Removal Act. Each of these famous influences in American colonization expressed his strong opinion based on experience with Americas unwritten removal policy and his engagements with the Indians to date. Lewis Cass was the governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs of the Michigan Territory in the 1820s. As the foremost authority in the United States on the languages and cultures of the northern tribes, Cass argued that Indian emigration west of the Mississippi was morally necessary for Native Americans to survive and civilize without extreme pressure from Americans living near

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The Gilgamesh Epic

The Gilgamesh Epic 1. Definition of epic (Reid):"A long narrative poem about a hero's struggle with his destiny." The epic derives from Sumerian oral tradition dating to ca. 2000 BCE. It was told and retold for centuries. Our version is from Akkadian cuneiform tablets, 7th c. BCE. Gilgamesh is a true ruler who was king of Uruk around 2600 BCE. Uruk is a Sumerian city founded around 3500. The narrative begins with Gilgamesh, the best and brightest in the city of Uruk, running rampant with antisocial and violent behavior against men and women. The g-ds create Enkidu, the hairy wildman, to provide a counterweight. They fight, become friends, and perform heroic exploits such as the slaughter of Humbaba, the forest demon. This great exploit attracts Ishtar, who proposes marriage. Gilgamesh spurns the g-ddess because of her treatment of her past lovers. Ishtar asks the g-ds to give her retribution by having the two heroes attacked by the Bull of the Sun. They kill it, which angers the sun, who requires the death of Enkidu as expiation of property damage. The major issue treated is mortality. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh leaves in search of an answer for mortality. The advice of Siduri, the divine barmaid (Reid p. 17), to enjoy life, is too naive for Gilgamesh: â€Å"Gilgamesh, whither rovest thou? The life thou pursuest thou shalt not findÉ Let full be thy belly. Make thou merry by day and by night. Of each day make thou a feast of rejoicing. Day and night dance thou and play! Let thy garments be sparkling fresh. Pay heed to the little one that holds on to thy hand. Let thy spouse delight in thy bosom. For this is the task of mankind!† For Gilgamesh, everyday life is soured by the realization that he, too, will die: â€Å"Why should not my cheeks be starved and my face drawn? Despair is in my heart. My brother whom I loved, the end of mortality has overtaken him. Because of my brother I am afraid of death. How can I be silent, how can ... Free Essays on The Gilgamesh Epic Free Essays on The Gilgamesh Epic The Gilgamesh Epic 1. Definition of epic (Reid):"A long narrative poem about a hero's struggle with his destiny." The epic derives from Sumerian oral tradition dating to ca. 2000 BCE. It was told and retold for centuries. Our version is from Akkadian cuneiform tablets, 7th c. BCE. Gilgamesh is a true ruler who was king of Uruk around 2600 BCE. Uruk is a Sumerian city founded around 3500. The narrative begins with Gilgamesh, the best and brightest in the city of Uruk, running rampant with antisocial and violent behavior against men and women. The g-ds create Enkidu, the hairy wildman, to provide a counterweight. They fight, become friends, and perform heroic exploits such as the slaughter of Humbaba, the forest demon. This great exploit attracts Ishtar, who proposes marriage. Gilgamesh spurns the g-ddess because of her treatment of her past lovers. Ishtar asks the g-ds to give her retribution by having the two heroes attacked by the Bull of the Sun. They kill it, which angers the sun, who requires the death of Enkidu as expiation of property damage. The major issue treated is mortality. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh leaves in search of an answer for mortality. The advice of Siduri, the divine barmaid (Reid p. 17), to enjoy life, is too naive for Gilgamesh: â€Å"Gilgamesh, whither rovest thou? The life thou pursuest thou shalt not findÉ Let full be thy belly. Make thou merry by day and by night. Of each day make thou a feast of rejoicing. Day and night dance thou and play! Let thy garments be sparkling fresh. Pay heed to the little one that holds on to thy hand. Let thy spouse delight in thy bosom. For this is the task of mankind!† For Gilgamesh, everyday life is soured by the realization that he, too, will die: â€Å"Why should not my cheeks be starved and my face drawn? Despair is in my heart. My brother whom I loved, the end of mortality has overtaken him. Because of my brother I am afraid of death. How can I be silent, how can ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Management Analysis of Toyota and General Motors Research Paper

Financial Management Analysis of Toyota and General Motors - Research Paper Example In this regard, it will be worth mentioning that the success or failure of any business unit can be largely depicted from the facts presented in the financial reports of the companies. This approach is often regarded as financial management analysis of any business, depicting its current business positioning. Contextually, the role of conducting financial management analysis is deemed to be quite effective in this modern day business. The effectiveness of the performance of any business can mainly be determined through a comprehensive analysis of varied financial reports comprising capital management, income statement, balance sheet and statement of funds (Nieuwenhuizen, 2007). With this concern, the research paper intends to conduct an effective analysis of financial management, which compares and contrasts two particular companies namely Toyota Motor Corporation and General Motors Company (GM). The analysis will mainly address analyzing the financial data of previous three years of both the companies in terms of capital management, balance sheet, income statement and statement of funds. Both Toyota and GM are recognized as the leading market players operating in the automobile sector for numerous years. These companies have been able to attain superior competitive position in terms of delivering quality products and/or services to their respective customers worldwide. Evidently, Toyota is a Japanese based automobile manufacturer, which enraged its customer base through offering quality products to them. The company is also widely recognized for its adoption of lean manufacturing approach along with the practice of Total Quality Management (TQM). These aspects further ensure that the company could be able to deliver quality products to the customers with utmost consistency, thereby gaining maximum profitability. Specially mentioning, Toyota became much renowned in applying effective corporate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Resource Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Human Resource Management - Assignment Example HR managers also look after employee motivation and retention through various strategies. Individuals working in organisations suffer from various problems every day. The task of HR managers is to solve these problems in the best possible manner. In the case, a similar problem of employee attrition was presented. In order to solve these, various alternatives were considered. These included innovative strategies for recruitment and interview processes. The candidates interviewed were subjected to various psychical and mental tasks in order to retain the best candidates. After the recruitment plans, successful retention plans were discussed. It was concluded that a small amount of salary hike would not be enough. So the retention plan included various strategies such as regular training and development sessions, certificate programs as well as quarterly meetings. Contents Contents 3 3 Answer 1 4 Answer 2 7 Answer 3 9 Reference List 12 Answer 1 According to organizational psychology, fi rms are successful not only because of sustainable competitive advantage or market realities. Successful organizations have always treated human resources as their most critical and important assets (Martin, 2001). Cognitive aspects of an organization form an important factor while transmission from one stage to another stage of success. It can also be said that human resource capital has the ability to make or break any organization (Legge, 1995; Guest, 1997). Human resource managers take care of various personnel decisions such as hiring, training, compensation, benefits, assignment positioning etc. Majority of company executives rely heavily on the suggestions and recommendations made by HR managers. Although it is important to have physical assets, most companies have realized that quantity and quality of their output is directly proportional to the commitment and quality of the personnel. Human resource managers have the responsibility of creating right matches for team, depart ments and various projects (Bernadin, 2007). A professional working in the human resource department deals with many functions unlike in larger organizations where one HR expert is appointed in each department. This task multiplicity requires strong and effective organizational skills as these individuals are expected to shift from one project to another project and from one topic to another topic in sort span to time (Cascio, 2003). Out of all these the most difficult job for a human resource development manager is handling works such as understaffing, firing employees, reprimanding employees who are irresponsible, maintenance of ethical structure, giving information about non-existent or small bonuses to the employees etc (Gomez -Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2006). These tasks are very difficult to handle as the human resource department is expect to support employees all the time. Many times Human resource team are hated or feared for tasks such as these and it becomes very difficult to coordinate with them. The present case deals with evaluating the necessity of HR function in an organisation. According to the operations manager in the case study, there is no need of any HR department in the organisation. However, absence of HR function might result in different lapses and miss-handling of the overall human capital. Thus, it can be said that a full time HR manager is important for the organisation. An HR manager not only performs core human resource functions but also provides added value to the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Understanding The Business Environment Term Paper

Understanding The Business Environment - Term Paper Example The capital comes from the treasury or the local rates. The public limited aim at providing services to the nation, and in case of profit generation, it has handed hack to the government or the local authority. The government appoints a minister to take responsibility. The minister then appoints a chairperson and the board of directors who respond to daily activities in running the industry. The chairperson and board of directors then give an annual report to the minister who presents it to the parliament for public debate. The information then published for public. The private limited companies are businesses owned by private people. The owners do control and management. They are the directors and managers. The private people raise capital, and their aim is to generate profit. The profit or losses made equally distributed according to the number of shares one own in the company. The voluntary group is an organization consisting of people who offer unpaid services to the organization . Its resources (cash, labor and services) obtained through voluntary means. The co-operatives form when a group works together to accomplish a common need. They are significant status in the tax law in most countries. The co-operatives assist members with their primary business e.g. selling of milk or other farm products. Type of organization Examples- Name of organization and why it exist What sector does this organization operate within Public limited company CDC – A centre for Disease Control ministry of Public health Private limited company Fly Emirates Transport industry Voluntary DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS AUXILLARY- facilitate medical treatment of veterans Medical industry Co-operatives BONGARDS’ CREAMERIES CO-OPERATIVE Milk processing industry US CDC; CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL CDC is a division of the public health systems and workforce development based in Atlanta, Georgia USA. Its strategy is to work with partners with the aim of strengthening public health systems and the public health workforce. It applies public health sciences and practices to demonstrate health impact. Vision, mission and goals Its vision is to enable countries worldwide have efficient and equitable public health systems to protect communities. It also visualizes the enablement of persons to live productive and healthy lives. It has a mission of working with Ministries of Health (MOH), and various health partners to strengthen public health systems. They collaborate to develop the workforce using innovative programs and science. The aim at building sustainable capacity maintaining strong public health systems and responding to the changing and increasing health challenges. They have a mission of coming together with public health partners to diversify global health problems, practices experiences and resources. (Allison, M & Kaye J 2001) Their main goal is to use system development programs to help the Ministry Of Health worldwide build strong, effective and sust ainable programs. The system development programs include; FETP, Field Epidemiology Training Programs, Field Epidemiology, Laboratory and Training Programs (FELTP), Global Public Health information program (GPHIP),Sustainable Management Development Program (SMDP) and the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR). They thus help the MOH to improve public health systems locally, regionally and nationally. The internal and external stakeholders of the CDC Stakeholders include persons or organizations invested in a program. They are interest in the results and evaluation of the program where their interests and requirements considered and budgeted for in the planning process. These

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Theories of Kant for Company Ethics

Theories of Kant for Company Ethics Early growth in computer processing had little effect on jobs, But as year goes by artificial intelligent had evolve to a point where it is able to think like a human as more and more large amount of new skills were being captured. With these robots, automation or software it is possible to replace people who’s worked in manufacturing industry, service industry or even agriculture industry. Since the notable advancement in computing technology which moves from improved industrial robotics to automated translation service. Andrew McAfee believes that these transition had becoming the reasons behind the sluggish employment growth of the last 10 to 15 years as the rapid technological change has been destroying job faster than it is creating them. (Andrew McAfee, 2012) Therefore, a new argument had risen over the years among employer and employees whether should companies should be responsible for the unemployment caused by their information system. Hence several ethical point of view had been brought up to response to this issue where from ethical egoism point of view believes that companies should not responsible for unemployment as with the information system they are able to benefit from a long term profit therefore this is a morally right action. But Kantianism point of view will be discussed throughout this article to respond to this issue. Kantianism is a deontological ethical theory that concludes that the only good thing in the world that can be called good without qualification is a good will. (Michael J.Quinn, 2003) This bring us back to the issue where should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by their information system. From Kantianism perspective, companies should be responsible for unemployment as Kantianism theory had pointed out that when ones struggles between what ones’ want to do and what ones’ ought to do, what ones’ want to do is no longer important. Ones should only focus on what ones’ ought to do (Michael J.Quinn, 2003). Therefore, the discussion below will look into several categorical imperative formulation that were proposed by Kant to have an in depth view to determine whether companies should or should not be responsible for from Kantianism perspective. Categorical Imperative first formulation poses the basic conception of fairness and universalizability where there will be a consistent law that were tailored for everyone and not there cannot be one rule for me and another for everyone else. For examples, if a company starts to retrench employees that were caused by their information system and felt that it is ok for that company to retrench their employees by doing so companies will be denying and destroy the relationship between employees and employers where employees will lose trust in their employers as they might just get replaced anytime by Information System which leads them to lower productivity and the whole act of making them unemployed will be self-destructing. The desire for consistency will drives the first formulation where could companies retrench employee cause of their information system? Of course not, If every companies in the whole starts to implement information system and replacing their worker with it, it will cause an immense chaos to the world economy where 40% of low income manual labor will lose their jobs in United State and also shifting the bull’s eye onto the middle class workers where jobs like accountant might be replaced by software too. This would lead to severe loss of foundation income for their families where day to day expenses will be a huge problems for these families. (SHOULD ADD MORE IMPACT ONTO THE WHOLE SOCIETY LATER)Since if every company implements information system and causes unemployment, everyone would be unemployed which will disrupt the whole economy and lead the whole world to poverty all because of a personal interest. Therefore, it is wrong for a company to cause unemployment due to their implemented information system and company have to responsible for this issue that were caused by them solely for maximizing their profits. Categorical Imperative second formulation can be seen as the act in such a way that you always  treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a mean but always at the same time as an end. (Michael Rohlf, 2010). Therefore, portrait that rational agency is to be valued for its own sake â€Å"as an end† and that it is therefore illegitimate ever to treat a rational agent merely as a means to an end. Looking back to the case study provided, by implementing information system and causing unemployment, company had treated their employees as a mean to an end. The company sacrifices the job opportunity of their employees in order to achieve a lower cost for their product and higher productivity but at the cost of retrenching their workers. It was wrong for the company to retrench their employees as the company is treating their employees as a working machine rather than a rational agent with whom they could work with and try to collaborate machines with human instead of replacing all of the employees to solely automations. According to Kant there are two types of beings one being known as persons and other known as things.(H.J Paton, 1964) A person consist of infinite worth whereas things have a finite worth and can be bought or sold. In this case, company had treated their employees as a ‘things’ instead of a ‘person’ as company weighs them as a finite worth and retrench them in order to achieve company’s need which is to obtain a low cost production and being able to maximize shareholder’s wealth. Therefore, company is responsible for the unemployment cause by implementation of information system as according to categorical imperative second formulation, there should be moral exchanges between parties, as each parties treat each other not solely as an object of instrumental value alone but as objects of intrinsic value too. Thus, company should recognize their employees as au tonomous and rational human beings that are capable of willing freely and not upset or frustrate the freedom and autonomy of their employees by channeling forces or threats to retrench them just because their productivity is not on par as machines. Categorical Imperative third formulation stated that all maxims as proceeding from our own making of law ought to harmonize with a possible kingdom of end. In lay man’s term it means that in considering morality, we need to imagine ourselves making law in a Kingdom of people who are ends in themselves and should not act selfishly or be swayed by emotions which in our case company implementing information system in their organization. Whilst these automation could help in increasing the overall productivity, lowering down total product cost and also results in a higher earning does not mean that ones have to do it, instead company should integrate or implement partial machines that could help in increasing the overall productivity. In so doing, these company will make law for rational people where when we are torn between universal moral laws (retrenching employees without any proper reason will cause upsets to them which will demoralized them and ending their source of income) and particular desires produced in us (implementing machines to maximizes profit), you find a rational solutions to aid the problems (inter-cooperate human and machines together) which does achieve a particular desires and does falling towards either side. That said being able to look at several Kant’s point of view, we could conclude that Kant had several point of view where first formulation focuses on universalized rules where ones act only on that principle of action through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law where if rule is universalized, any companies that implemented information system will have to retrench their employees, employees loses their job and thus lowering the purchasing power which would results in more economy downturn. Therefore the rules is self-defeating and it company should be responsible for the unemployment caused by their information system. However, the second point of view focuses on looks into treating people as ends in themselves rather than means to ends. Therefore, company should not treat employees as a mean to end by retrenching them just because they had found a better substitute for them instead company should treat them as a rational people where coll aborating them into catching up with new skill sets to work on other fields. Lastly, Kant’s third formulation states that in everything ones do and every autonomous action ones makes, ones is required to picture himself/herself as a person writing the law for a new kingdom where everybody must treat everybody else as end in themselves which company have to find a rational principle of act to solve the issue between maximizing profit and unemployment where it will harmonize both parties. #Provide real world examples. References http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/515926/how-technology-is-destroying-jobs/ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant/ http://hercules.gcsu.edu/~hedmonds/lecture%20notes/kant%20lecture%20notes.htm http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/50-economic-numbers-from-2011-that-are-almost-too-crazy-to-believe https://financesonline.com/blue-collar-blues-are-we-losing-our-blue-collar-workers/ http://www2.fiu.edu/~harrisk/Notes/Ethics/KANT.htm Biblography http://thepietythatliesbetween.blogspot.com.au/2011/08/kantian-ethics-part-3-second.html http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/06/this-is-the-way-blue-collar-america-ends/276554/ http://www.businessinsider.com.au/why-blue-collar-jobs-are-dissapearing-2012-1 http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2011/12/15/9461848-dismal-prospects-1-in-2-americans-are-now-poor-or-low-income http://www.philosophypages.com/hy/5i.htm http://thepietythatliesbetween.blogspot.com.au/search?q=kantian+ethics http://www.rsrevision.com/Alevel/ethics/revision/kant_aspects_of_theory.pdf

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stakeholder :: essays research papers

The purpose of this paper is to identify key stakeholder groups in the Air Force. In addition to identifying these stakeholders groups, this paper will include whom in the Air Force marketing and communications programs might affect. The next paragraph will expound of who the key stakeholder groups are.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Key stakeholders for the United States Air Force (USAF) are people in the community, in every town, and every state that make up this country. In addition, other key stakeholders are personnel in congress and even the President of the United States. The United States Air Force’s marketing and communication programs have changed remarkably over the years. Since the birth of the USAF over 55 years ago, the marketing strategy has changed from the draft to the â€Å"Cross into the blue† (Air Force, 2002). In 2002, communication to the public about the United States Air Force was received as the best place to be (Air Force, 2002). â€Å"When you Cross Into the Blue, you realize that everyone counts – that each and every member of the Air Force is in the position to make an impact. The Air Force will work to help you discover where you fit in and how you'll leave your mark. Whether you're in high school ready to join the enlisted ranks and continue your education or in college looking for a career as an officer – we have a variety of exciting and rewarding career paths. But it's up to you to take advantage of them† (Air Force, 2002). The Air Force’s communication program via web site where I retrieved this information continues on and gives listings of career fields that will be right for the stakeholder or consumer feeling excited about being a part of a team and ready to sign-up to cross into the blue. Given the â€Å"new† Air Force communication to the public, the USAF is now marketing education benefits to make people believe by choosing an Air Force career that he or she will have a successful life (Air Force, 2002). For example, the Air Force is relaying that they are dedicated to educational development and will make it easy for a person to build on education throughout his or her career. The Air Force is offering a number of unique academic opportunities and experiences in the Air Force. The public can choose from a variety of colleges, universities, and tech training programs to complete his or her education. Stakeholder :: essays research papers The purpose of this paper is to identify key stakeholder groups in the Air Force. In addition to identifying these stakeholders groups, this paper will include whom in the Air Force marketing and communications programs might affect. The next paragraph will expound of who the key stakeholder groups are.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Key stakeholders for the United States Air Force (USAF) are people in the community, in every town, and every state that make up this country. In addition, other key stakeholders are personnel in congress and even the President of the United States. The United States Air Force’s marketing and communication programs have changed remarkably over the years. Since the birth of the USAF over 55 years ago, the marketing strategy has changed from the draft to the â€Å"Cross into the blue† (Air Force, 2002). In 2002, communication to the public about the United States Air Force was received as the best place to be (Air Force, 2002). â€Å"When you Cross Into the Blue, you realize that everyone counts – that each and every member of the Air Force is in the position to make an impact. The Air Force will work to help you discover where you fit in and how you'll leave your mark. Whether you're in high school ready to join the enlisted ranks and continue your education or in college looking for a career as an officer – we have a variety of exciting and rewarding career paths. But it's up to you to take advantage of them† (Air Force, 2002). The Air Force’s communication program via web site where I retrieved this information continues on and gives listings of career fields that will be right for the stakeholder or consumer feeling excited about being a part of a team and ready to sign-up to cross into the blue. Given the â€Å"new† Air Force communication to the public, the USAF is now marketing education benefits to make people believe by choosing an Air Force career that he or she will have a successful life (Air Force, 2002). For example, the Air Force is relaying that they are dedicated to educational development and will make it easy for a person to build on education throughout his or her career. The Air Force is offering a number of unique academic opportunities and experiences in the Air Force. The public can choose from a variety of colleges, universities, and tech training programs to complete his or her education.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pharmacia & Upjohn Essay

As Pharmacia & Upjohn ready their Rogaine product to be distributed over the counter the company faces many new challenges not previously considered. Pharmacia has estimated that once in the over the counter market Rogaine would reach $250 million in sales within their first year and $1 billion over a period of five years. The numbers mentioned above where forecasted under the assumption that the FDA would approve a request for three year marketing exclusivity, this request was however denied. Pharmacia & Upjohn must now consider the possibility of loosing 60% of their volume to competition. The brand will have to reevaluate their potential first year sales and decide how they will modify their marketing plan to differentiate Rogaine from comparable products. External Analysis Customer Analysis. Pharmacia & Upjohn target men and women between the ages of 25 to 49 for their Rogaine product. Since Rogaine’s introduction as a prescription drug the product has grossed over $700 million in sales. At the time of the case research estimated that there were about 20 million women and 40 million men in the United States with thinning hair or baldness. Out of this group 38. 6 percent of women say they would seek treatment for hair loss and 30. 4 percent of men say they would seek treatment. Combined men and women are estimated to spend an estimated $300 million a year on products for the treatment of balding. As of now Pharmacia & Upjohn estimate potential retail sales of $250 million a year. Management will now have to take into consideration that they could lose up to 60 percent of their sales after their patent expires. Growth Prospect. By 1995 cumulative sales for the brand had reached $700 million in the US and exceeded $1 billion worldwide. Sales from their first year offering nonprescription Rogaine were expected to yield $250 million in retail sales in year one and $1billion over a period of five years. The company obviously expects growth in this market. Based on current industry trends and indicators, the hair regrowth industry is currently in the growth stage. One major characteristic of the growth stage is increased competition. In the past Rogaine was the only product offered containing their patented formula, however, there is now the possibility of at least three other brands using similar formula’s coming to the market. True to products in the growth stage Rogaine will be making a few changes to their marketing mix. Pharmacia & Upjohn plan to increase the percentage of minoxidil from 2 to 5 percent, sell Rogaine at half the price of the prescription version, distribute to retail outlets and increase promotion efforts. Marketing Profitability. The possibility for intense competition is very high for Rogaine. This is due to Pharmacia & Upjohn’s patent expiring for Rogaine and the denial of their request for a three year period of marketing exclusivity. As a result Bausch & Lomb, Alpharma, and Lemmon Company have all considered the possibility of bringing hair regrowth products to the market. The threat of substitutes is also particularly high due to generic brands offering similar products coming to the market. Generic brands typically sell for 25 percent to 50 percent less than brand name products. As a result of a greater number of options customers will now have more bargaining power than in the past. Distribution Channels. As a prescription drug Rogaine’s strategy was to first educate members of their sales force who would then call on physicians, dermatologist, and other health care professionals. After this introduction Pharmacia & Upjohn began targeting consumers directly through television commercials, print ads and direct mailings. Their over the counter strategy will include creating a â€Å"hair regrowth category† and distributing products through pharmacy or hair care sections of food, drug, and mass merchandise retail outlets. The company also plans to send mailings to around 40,000 physicians, 20,000 pharmacists. Consumers will be targeted with mail in rebates, television commercials and by advertisements placed in periodicals. Overall 92 percent of the target will see Rogaine through television and 77 percent of customers would be reached through print advertisements. Marketing Trends. Two major trends that will affect the marketing mix for Rogaine is lower pricing and increased promotion. A single, twin and triple pack of Rogaine will now retail for $29. 0, $55. 00 and $75. 00 respectfully. Overall their products will be selling for half the price of the prescription version of the product. Increased competition will also be a new trend in the market. Competitors such as Bausch & Lomb, Alpharma, and Lemmon and Company will be entering the market selling similar products. Overall $75 million will initially be spent on advertising in the over the counter market. There are also plans to increase the amount of minoxidil from 2-percent to 5-percent in order to increase product effectiveness. In comparison as a prescription drug it was estimated that Rogaine spent between $40 million and $50 million on marketing annually up until 1991. In the past Rogaine was protected by a patent blocking competitors from using their formula. A key success factor for Rogaine in the over the counter market will be differentiation. Rogaine will have to differentiate itself from competition who may be offering lower priced products. Customer Analysis. As of now Rogaine has two defined segments. Men between the ages of 25 and 49 make up the largest customer segment for Rogaine. Research indicates that 9. 9 percent of men who experience hair loss actually seek treatment. At the time of the case it was estimated that there were around 40 million balding men in the US. This means around 3,960,000 men will actually seek treatment for hair loss. The second submarket for the hair product is women between the ages of 18 and 49. It is estimated that around 20 million women have thinning hair and an estimated 13. 3 percent will actually seek treatment for their hair loss. Customers who purchase Rogaine are motivated by cosmetic reasons. Although hair loss is most commonly caused by the medical condition alopecia, it is not something that requires one to seek treatment. Most insurance plans do not even cover doctor’s visits or prescriptions for hair loss products such as Rogaine. Unmet Need. Although Rogaine is considered a success there are many who have not benefited from the use of the product. Research indicates that only 26 percent of male users reported moderate to dense growth and 33 percent reported minimal growth while using Rogaine. Out of women within this same age range only 19 percent reported moderate hair growth and 40 percent reported minimal growth. This means that there is still a large majority of the market that needs a solution to their hair loss problems. Performance Analysis. With the denial of the request for three year marketing exclusivity, this has affected the way Rogaine will compete against other hair loss treatment companies. Rogaine has assured its client based that their product is the â€Å"the only product medically proven to regrow hair. † Rogaine has been able to dominate the market with sales over $600 million during the years of 1988-1995. Sales are projected over the course of the next five years to increase at an average rate of 20% each year, with a total of net profit before taxes of $759,438, 823 at the end of 2000. Determinants of Strategic Options. Rogaine has chosen to spend $75 million on a marketing program to create awareness and a trial of the product. The $75 million will be distributed between one 30-second commercial spot for both men and women, information and displays would be sent to an estimated 40,000 physicians, and 20,000 pharmacists would receive the Rogaine Pharmacy Kit. Rogaine was also offering consumers a way to join the direct marketing program by signing up or calling the toll free number to join. Rogaine is also partnering with Progaine, (a shampoo) by offering coupons for Progaine inserted inside the Rogaine packages. Rogaine is currently facing the implications of having the 3 year market exclusivity request denied. This denial is allowing Rogaine’s competitors the ability to flood the market with their brand of hair re-growth products. This flooding of the market will likely decrease the growth rate of 20% in sales.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Macbook Evaluation Essays

Macbook Evaluation Essays Macbook Evaluation Essay Macbook Evaluation Essay tion Kristen Dunn ENG 101 Mr. Thaxton September 23, 2012 â€Å"Are you a Mac or PC? † Are you a Mac or PC? That is the question. I’m a Mac, all the way! I will stick by my Mac till death do us part. Out of the thousands of laptops produced by today’s technology companies, I have yet to come across a laptop that even comes close to competing with the Mac book Pro that is generated by Apple. The speed and reliability of the Mac book is phenomenal, along with the thousands of application software programs that can be downloaded on this computer. Although there are many reasons the Mac book Pro is a one of a kind, award winning laptop; I love it simply for its performance and software. The Mac book Pro will give you more performance than you will know what to do with. If you are looking for a computer that is fast a lightening (literally), then there is no other option I have been having my laptop for about three years now, and it runs just like the first day I got it. Now that is amazing, thanks to Mac’s Intel Core i5 processor! Considering PC’s like to crash on you are run slower than your grandmother walks after the first year of ownership. Its extra long battery life of up to 7. 5 hours is excellent, because wants the point of having a portable computer if you have to keep it plugged in all the time. It defeats the purpose and you might as well buy a desktop. The hardware on the Mac is built to last, and if you need a buddy you can rely on, I wouldn’t choose any other option, but this laptop. The Mac has an endless option of software applications that can be downloaded on to your computer and with 4 GB of memory feel free to download away! With the applications offered to you, you can personalize your computer to meet you every need, from photo editing apps, to music producing apps and my personal favorite the educational apps. There are millions of applications for everyone and your software can always be up to date to the latest and greatest that Apple comes out with, your only one click away. Most consumers are hesitant to buy a Mac because they are a bit on the pricey side, but I always say you get what you pay for. That 1,199. 00 was the best-invested money I have ever spent and well worth every penny. I know anything I need, there is an application just waiting to be downloaded to help me. The price may seem high, but I know I paid for a computer that will stand up to it and continue to perform the way it is supposed to, and to me, in the end I think I will be saving a lot of money, due to the fact PC’s constantly have to be repaired or buying the software I may need and even purchasing more memory. Who wants to buy a back up hard drive to store your memory when you can just buy a computer that already has it installed? That is why I will stand by my Mac will death do us part and never go with a PC ever again.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nationalism, Militarism, and the Alliance as WW2 Factors

Nationalism, Militarism, and the Alliance as WW2 Factors Free Online Research Papers In 1919, the European powers had just recovered from the first World War. At the conclusion, the Paris Peace conference was held, and there it was decided that Germany was solely responsible for the war. This paper seeks to prove that Germany was not the only power responsible for the war, by focusing on the actions of Austria-Hungry and England, as well as explaining Germany’s role. This paper will also discuss how nationalism, militarism, and the alliance system played into the beginning of a war that would shake the world. Austria-Hungry was a major instigator of WWI. After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne, Austria-Hungry sent the country of the assassins, Serbia, an ultimatum that Serbia was bound to reject. â€Å"†¦deliberately framed the ultimatum with the expectation and hope that it would be rejected.† (Fay 2) This quote shows that Austria-Hungry was attempting to instigate a war with Serbia. Furthermore, Austria-Hungry was the first to declare war within the entire world war, when she declared war on Serbia. Also, the alliance system in place in Europe during the war caused Germany to be dragged into warfare with Austria-Hungry, which began the involvement of multiple world powers. England also was an instigator of WWI. If England had acted sooner, siding with the Franco-Russian Alliance, then Austria-Hungry might have been too scared to declare war against Serbia. â€Å"†¦if Sir Edward Grey had listened to German urging, and warned France and Russia early in the crisis, that if they became involved in the war, England would remain neutral, probably Russia would have hesitated with her mobilizations, and France would probably have exerted a restraining influence in St. Petersburg.† (Fay 3) This shows that England could have worked the other side of the war, and warned France and Russia that their actions could have dire consequences, and could have applied the sufficient pressure to prevent a world war. England simply joined the war too late, finalizing the reality of a world war. Finally, Germany must shoulder some of the blame. When Austria-Hungry was considering war with Serbia, Germany pressed war, because she imagined that the war could work in her favor. â€Å"†¦possible to establish a friendly relationship with England, and through England with France. He hoped to bring about a ‘grouping of Germany, England, and France against the Russian colossus†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Fischer 6) This shows that Germany saw herself gaining a further alliance with the other huge powers of the European continent, a goal that was never to be realized. Germany therefore pledged full support to Austria-Hungry, without which there would have been no extra involvement by other world powers in the Austria-Hungry/Serbia conflict. This paper brings into light the reality of the causes of World War One. While historically, Germany is blamed for the war, it is necessary to understand the unfairness of this accusation. Looking at the involvement of Austria-Hungry and England, one can clearly see that the ruling that blamed Germany was incorrect. Understanding that leads one to understand why Germany was so willing to begin World War Two, as they were under the impression that they had been severely slighted. Research Papers on Nationalism, Militarism, and the Alliance as WW2 FactorsAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Analysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaGenetic EngineeringBringing Democracy to AfricaTrailblazing by Eric AndersonQuebec and CanadaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyPETSTEL analysis of India

Monday, November 4, 2019

Culture Of China Regarding Religion, Food, Communication, Time, And Term Paper

Culture Of China Regarding Religion, Food, Communication, Time, And Space - Term Paper Example The following discussion is an effort to highlight the exceptional and distinguished aspects of Chinese culture regarding religion, cuisine, communication, time, and space. The Chinese culture is largely influenced by ancient Chinese philosophies that have been practiced in China for thousands of years. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are the three major religions that are practiced in China by a majority of people. Myriad differences that appear too subtle to the common public exist between these three major religions. The general public is way much oblivious to these distinctions and thinks that the religious teachings and moral values originating from these different religions is more or less the same. Intricate differences between these religions are obvious to a minimal percentage of Chinese public. Still, religious practice is still fervently adopted by many people in China, which is a heavily optimistic sign in today’s much industrialized and modernized world that is too materialistic and ignorant of religious restrictions. Actually, it is those distinctions existing between the three major Chinese religions that have evolved the Chinese culture which is so dynamic and vibrant. One common and enthralling aspect of the Chinese culture that is acquired from the fusion of ancient religions is that it is required of every person to live in harmony with all the other people, no matter if that other person is a friend or a foe. This is one profoundly appreciable aspect of the Chinese culture, which demands every person to seek and spread love regardless of societal, ethnic, or racial pressures. The Chinese cuisine is overwhelmingly popular around the globe among all age groups and bags huge appreciation almost every year in myriad prestigious annual global food contests. Much of the Chinese cuisine is derived from the cooking practices that were significantly vibrant in the Dynastic ruling period. It is worth mentioning here that ancient Chinese rule rs used to host large meals consisting of hundred of traditional dishes at one time. (Ling, 2002, p. 34). It is from this traditional hospitality of hosting large banquets that a whole wide array of variations exist in Chinese cuisine that appeal hugely not only to the Chinese people but by almost everyone around the world. These variations in cuisine also originated and prevailed in the Chinese culture because the Dynastic period was open to many enriched influences from the surrounding countries. China’s gourmet culture and true connoisseur experience has been creating waves of innovation and taste around the world for many past years. The up side about the Chinese cuisine is that it offers extremely stomach friendly food and this fact is acclaimed by all the nutritional specialists around the world. This is because with the cooking oil that is pretty scarce in the country and expensive meat, Chinese food experts have diverted the taste of the Chinese public towards inexpen sive but nutritious and heavenly tasty foods. An important and interesting fact regarding the Chinese communication is that it can be both verbal and non-verbal, and both modes of communication are very important when

Saturday, November 2, 2019

History topics since 1500s Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History topics since 1500s - Assignment Example The entry of the European into the Americas had some very serious impacts on the native people who frequently fell for diseases and genocidal policies of the Europeans. It was in the period of Amerindian population decline that some other forms of coercive human labor that included slavery got exploited during the construction of the new world. The cores of the development of Atlantic commerce were sugar and slave (Coclanis, 2005). Therefore, the history of the Atlantic commerce cannot in any way be separated with the history of slavery and the act of transferring both labor and capital across the Atlantic. The transfers of slaves and capital across the Atlantic is also very closely linked with sugar production. (Coclanis, 2005) The emergences of new and improved technology together with human culture were intertwined in the advancement of the sugar industry and this acted as one of the mainstays of the new Atlantic economies. The significance of the trade is that, it led to the mass ive movement of people across the Atlantic. The migrations that were made during this period led slaves settling on their working areas. The major significance of this type of trade is that it has shaped the history of the worlds trade and it has led to a massive growth of cities across the world. In between 1450 and 1750, the two states had several comparisons. Politically, there were differences in the type of leaders who ruled these empires; the forms of governments and the political structures were all different from many other comparisons (Berktay, 1991). There is also an economic and religious comparison of the two states and they are given in the table below. The people within the states and how some of their funds are used base the economic comparisons of the two states on the type of trades that are carried out. The source of livelihood to the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discuss the main causes and effects of gun crime in the USA Essay

Discuss the main causes and effects of gun crime in the USA - Essay Example Doctors in such hospitals are appealing to the government to control the way it issues guns to the public (Boseley, 2013, p.1). This paper looks at the major causes of gun crimes and its effect to the American population. One of the causes of gun crimes is the uncontrolled offer of guns to the public by the government. The government makes it easy for people to access guns for private use (Boseley, 2013, p.1). When people get the guns easily they are likely to misuse them in purposes that are not related to personal safety. Further, the fact that the government has reduced regulation on gun accessibility makes criminals easily access them for their activities. This has made it challenging for the government to control the manner people use their guns. Another cause of increased gun crimes is the belief by the people that acquiring private guns makes them safer (Boseley, 2013, p.1). People in United States think that owning a gun is important if they are to protect their families and their properties. This increases the number of individuals who own guns in the country per household. In fact, when the number of individuals owning private guns increases, people become less secure (Stray, 2013, p.1). This is from the fact that some people settle their differences using the guns which result in injuries or deaths. Actually, instead of guns enhancing personal security and safety, it is increasing insecurity in the country (Stray, 2013, p.1). In addition, issues of mental illness have contributed to increased gun crimes in the United States. When people with mental illness have easy accessibility of guns, they are likely to use them to commit crimes unwillingly (Boseley, 2013, p.1). Mentally ill persons are likely to use guns as toys which end up harming others, especially if they are not monitored by sober people. Mentally ill persons also lack the ability to reason on what is right for them and thus

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The length of an electrically conductive metal wire Essay Example for Free

The length of an electrically conductive metal wire Essay The results of the experiment, however, do not adhere to the direct proportionality relationship predicted in the hypothesis. In the hypothesis a zero value for wire length is predicted to induce a zero value for wire resistance. Intuitively, this should be the case. However, regardless of what linear line of regression one examines from the ones plotted, it is obvious that the experiment indicates the existence of electric resistance even when the wire has no length. This result is indicated through the intersection of the regression curves with positive Y values. The zero length resistance varies from 0. 02 to 0. 0578 ohms. The existence of errors in the experiment, namely systematic ones, may help explain the result. Errors The method for the experiment contained some errors. Some of those are evident when examining the results of the experiment. Others are very small, and did not have a great effect on the final outcomes. The most prominent source of error had to do with the existence of additional resistance in the circuit used. The metal wire used, since it wasnt a wire meant for electrical circuits, naturally offered the greatest resistance to current flow. Nevertheless, the connecting wires also contained some inevitable resistance. Additionally, the ammeter, and power supply also had some internal resistance (the voltmeter did as well, but this is necessary for the procurement of accurate voltage values). Since current flowed through all those, the resistance values obtained did not represent solely the resistance of the metal wire. This probably explains the systematic error foreboded in the conclusion. The existence of resistance in other pieces of apparatus except the metal wire allowed for the possibility of resistance even when the metal wire would have no length. Another source of error existed in the measurement of the wire length used in the circuit. The metal wire used was manipulated to assume a straight form. However, even after it was firmly attached to a table, it was not fully stretched. In some of the cases, it may have bent slightly, making the total wire length greater than what was measured. This could have contributed some additional, and unwanted, resistance to the wire. After all, a longer wire offers more resistance to current flow. Altogether, an addition to the systematic overestimation of the resistance of the metal wire also came from this error source. Though negligible, some error could have sprung from the heating of the wire used. As current was allowed to flow through the metal wire, atoms of the wire collided with the electrons flowing, causing the wire to heat up. If the wire werent allowed to cool down before another measurement was taken, then it would have posed additional resistance to the subsequent current flows, since resistance rises with temperature. Again, the method used in this experiment allowed for the existence of additional resistance in the wire that was not taken into account. Improvements In light of the errors noted, or for the need to perfect other experiments of the same type, improvements to the method can be offered. Firstly, the error involving the length of the metal wire could be minimized in two ways. Either a much more flexible wire could be used for the allowance of a straighter metal wire, or a greater effort could be made to stretch the existent wire so that it is much more straight. In both ways, the length measured for the metal wire would be more representative of the actual length being used. Another improvement could deal with minimizing the existence of additional resistance in the circuit besides that of the metal wire examined. This could be done in several ways. The connecting wires used could be shorter, meaning their resistance would be smaller. A power supply and ammeter with smaller internal resistances could also be used. In either of the cases, additional resistance in the circuit would decrease, and the systematic error in resistance minimized. Finally, though not too necessary, it is possible to improve the experiment by minimizing resistance distortions due to temperature increases. A simple way would be to wait at least 3 minutes between each current flow induced through the wire. This way, the whole circuit together with the wire itself would have time to cool down. Wire temperature would hence not be a factor distorting the resistance values being measured, as it would be more or less the same in all measurements. Nevertheless, it may be that the distortions to resistance values caused by temperature increase are so small that this improvement on the whole is futile. Another minor improvement to the method would be the use of a switch. This way, current flow could be initiated and stopped on demand (i. e. immediately). It would be of course necessary to use a switch that offers little resistance. Otherwise, the current construction of the circuit is preferable.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reflection Report And Learning From An Experience Education Essay

Reflection Report And Learning From An Experience Education Essay The reflection report is a form of thinking, how to analyze based on knowledge and feeling. As a manager self analyze to think about weakness and strengths. In this report, it is need to focus on communication skills, time management, scope management, risk management, analysis, self motivation and management (self judgment, self evaluation, self reaction, and self satisfaction), problem solving, team effectiveness and project planning. The main objectives of this report are needed to discuss and focus on following element: Life long learning after this dissertation course experience Experience and Importance of group work and relationship with team members Importance to keep daily dairy for long run projects such as dissertations, research work reports or any long technical projects. Reflection is a series of step to note down for future reference and help Importance of analysis and research we did for our project- processing of running project Quality of work related to topic Tutor and group members suggestion and advises then note down in reflection dairy Basically reflective knowledge is a method to examine him/her self internally and deeply and finding out the issue of nervousness, settle down by the experience which creates the meaning of self. And learns from the same repeating experience and changed him/her self effectively by the result of experiences. Reflection practice is the form of self awareness and self appraisal and describes the result and outcomes of persons actions. Recollection of Experiences (Weekly Detailed Dairy) Week Date Activity 01 14 -06-2010 First week, we attended the introduction session of AMP Module given by Vincent Ong, and learnt how to write a report and how to follow the format etc from supportive tutor. After that Academic Liaison Librarian has give the detailed information about way to put the referencing in our report and module handbook of AMP was provided to all of us. Next day activity was about the plagiarism and turnitinUK. JBK explained us regarding paraphrasing and feature of turnitinUK. They also helped us in search of related articles from digital library. First time, I have learnt that how to put key words in advance search and get the journals and articles called rational research to identity and support our work. Rob explained us about the reflection report and how it is relevant with our report and what makes a good reflection report and what should be the structure of report. After that we have collected handbook of AMP topic. During this week we have formed a group of 10 members as we all previously worked together so we knew each other. One thing in our favor that working with known group members will reduce time taken to start performing and understanding of each frame of work. Beginning of this week we all felt excited and optimistic. As we received information about work we became more apprehensive, confused and uncertain and our topic also made us very uncertain and anxious. But after two days brain storming with group members and detailed discussion with tutor reassured us, and gave us clarification and showed right direction. In general we learnt that wide range of resources and journals are available in our library; it was analyzed that without the tutor guidance may be we would be on the wrong direction. We also understand the importance of referencing. How to comparing and contrasting the material from different authors and importance of sharing ideas as well as we understand the importance of secondary research. Learned about the importance of the time management in project and proper referencing; may be some problem will be encountered during the project like in personal planning and in managing a group. Learning solution in this week would be like how to find relevant information more effectively and learned the need to maintained records about daily activities of progress. 02 21-06-2010 . This week, I have read the handbooks and all material given by tutor. Two articles in handbook are very much helpful for understanding the topic. Today we start our project; we did research and found 5-6 articles about target market selection and difference between B2B and B2C practices. Facing much difficulty in research about the relevant topic because our topic is much tricky and confusing. After two day struggling and with different key words as suggested by tutor, we came at one point of start. Need to understand the synthesis Main Report like how to draw evidence and evaluate and present our own thoughts in Report. It was advised that the main report should be synthesis rather than descriptive. A lot of hurdles came while searching the topics. To day I got some useful articles and after reading got some useful points of my requirements. This week we had a meeting on Friday to solve the issues regarding the understanding of topics and their key wordings for search. 03 28-06-2010 This week, feeling much difficulty while reading, reviewing and comparing the articles of different authors and different sides regarding my topic and key words. Before start writing the literature review, I must needs to understand and study the Harvard System for proper referencing. So Google it and find and understand the many ways of putting referencing for article, journals and books such as articles with missing date, missing authors name , with more than one or two authors work etc. Today, I started my work on dissertation and I made a folder of my all downloaded article and took the print and read two of them then make the synthesize point from them I have been started my work from literature review which is the main body of the report in which we needs to put our ability to produce a quality of work there. I had written my synthesis point from two articles. This week we had a 2nd meeting on Friday to solve the issues regarding the understanding of topics and share some ideas as well as searched article with each other also our project manager send us some useful topic related to inviting tender of technological solutions. I have decided to divide my work chapter wise as guided us by our AMP module Coordinator. So we come the point that work should be start from literature review section. 04 05-07-2010 Today I got my result; I had passed my in all modules. Thanks to Almighty GOD. Today I also review the one more article which is presented in an international conference regarding issues related to ICT facing by SMEs companies. So extract some main point from this article and note down. In our meeting we discussed about the difference between E-business and E-commence, it found about a detailed reading that e-commence is linked to the B2B and e-business is linked with B2C. Moreover from studies one thing come out that is digital-related products and digital-unrelated product. Our project team leader explained and clearly differentiated that digitally related product i.e. software applications, mobile phones, digital cameras were more suitable for e-commerce, and more easily sold over the internet unlike digitally unrelated products like furniture where consumers must want examine physically before a purchase is made. We also discussed and studied further on the key issues and consideration regarding the tender invitation for website development solution. 05 12-07-2010 In literature review, comparison of all researchers and authors work relevant to topic is very much difficult and different nature of work for me. It is noticed that all researcher focusing the similar issue that affecting the operation while company is moving to B2C market and suggests the same requirement and key consideration. As I am having the first experience at this level of literature review and work but it is much interested and knowledgeable effort for me. It is very easy to divert from the original topic during the literature reviewing process. Felt much difficulty like diversion from my original topic in this part of work. May God help me to do this in good and best ways related to exact topic requirement. 06 19-07-2010 This week I was not able to work on my report due to my some personal engagement and some family issues so I was out of station. 07 26-07-2010 This week, I started to understand and revise some articles and documents on tendering. As I need to understand that how to invite the tender for technological and software solutions. Issues come up while writing on inviting tenders for technological solution. Because invitation of tenders for technical and non technical solution are much confusing and related work. But feel like interesting as I am having the new expertise and expertise in this new area of tendering. I dont have any experience of reading such type of documents. As I was stuck on the step of inviting tender so today I consulted with the team leader of our group so she help me out in understanding of this specific point that what are the key requirement for inviting the tenders as I was thinking on the format like that regarding tendering but she solved my issue and sent some articles for literature review related to this. She is very much helping person and nice lady and she should be a good team leader in future. 08 02-08-2010 Confusion- writing on invite tender for web development that whether it should b E-tendering or normal traditional way. Another issue that I was facing that in most of tendering article there is no proper author or researcher name. Mostly the company and organizational name are mentioned while inviting tender for the technological or software solutions. Got some article and journal on tendering and outsourcing the IT related work and technological solution. This week I have made my final schedule and divide the days till final review of report and how to close my work within the month of august. Understand and learnt about the use of indexing in table of contents in MSWord; how to use the proper referencing. 09 09-08-2010 This week I met with my one of the group member in LRC and discussed about the e-book refereeing and how many references we can use and whether mostly should be journals articles and could be from any where else? So she suggested that we should email to Peter Godwin as well as we get some information from LR guide or referring within digital library. After that we discussed about recommendations on topic. Should we need to suggest or put some recommendation related to our kind of work? This week, I got some good article but this is my targeted week in my time table to finish all the literature review and writing. And should be focus and emphasized on the synthesis, analysis and comparison of the report in last 3 week. This week, I need to scale down and windup my all review work. Today is the end of this week and I have closed my literature review writing and my next stage is to syntheses the report and exacts the key point for analysis and discussion. 10 16-08-2010 Today I have started my work on review of my work with detailed and syntheses point of view. Feel some ambiguity regarding references in analysis and discuss stage that whether we need to put the Harvard reference within the analysis and discussion portion like we did in literature review or not? To resolve this issue I put an email to our team member and waiting of there reply. 11 23-08-2010 This week is very much tough and crucial as I totally put my effort on the revision and focus on my whole work and balance the report in a proper flow and come out with corrected some mistakes After that I can better focus working on the conclusion and recommendation of the topic. Today end of this week, I wrote down my conclusion and recommendation. 12 30-08-2010 Working on reflection analysis report and syntheses my all work into final version. Recompiled daily dairy log of my all 3 month works Personal feelings and learning from the experience Research work is really very much interesting but time consuming. I spend my neat hours and hours on this report and this work should be helpful and very much supportive for my future work and learning at this level and above this. Meetings and regular Google talk and email exchange about AMP report work, experiences and discussion with group members. Some major difficulties were come in front while reviewing the literature like comparison of all researchers and authors work regarding my topic. As it is noticed that all researcher focusing the similar issue that affecting the operation while moving to B2C market and suggests the same requirement and key consideration for outsourcing processes. As I was having the first time experience at this level of literature review and work but it was much interested and knowledgeable effort for me. I enjoy a lot with my work and feel much happy at this stage and got much knowledge from last three month efforts. That how to make the comparison of other authors work and note down in own my wordings. It was very easy to divert from the original track during literature reviewing phase as well as in writing the report process. My God help me out to do this thing in good and best ways that I was linked to my topic. Issue regarding literature review and other relevant work are resolved very smoothly with the help of all my group members collective participation and efforts. We had arranged the meetings until all the members are cleared and much satisfied with the understanding of topic and data collection as we had three weekly groups meeting with team leader after the AMP week. My team was very much generous with the commitment and time punctuality. My contribution was also remarkable as well and I was linked with my group members all the time 24/7 through email, facebook and mobile. And I was much satisfied with my work and with group members response. Group Dynamics and Learning from the experience Here I must mention one thing that my current AMP group members are not fresh new members. We were having same group in all our previous course work. So we were much comfortable with each other and knew each other frame of mind and algorithm of work. And we understand the group dynamics and responsibilities. As a whole I didnt feel any problem in my work with my members. Since I was linked with my group members all the time 24/7 through email, mobile and all the group members were much satisfied with my contribution and with my quick response on any issue related to our work. I fulfill my all responsibilities that were given by our team leader. Out supervisor consultancy was very much helpful for us regarding the understanding the actual topic and how to search the relevant material from digital library. He did very level best to solve our issues. I learnt that the group work is very much effective and helpful for this type of big projects as the work is distributed and every member come up with good and different ideas and knowledge. And the project will meet the deadlines very smoothly. Lessons for the future Projects The lesson learned dairy was kept in order to bring all the lessons together that we learnt during the dissertation work, which would be the guideline for other future projects. The weekly diary was updated whenever I have learned some thing new during the project whether it was positive or negative lesson. From experience with the proper management of work start to end and all the group members cooperation; many positive and good lessons was learned for future projects. Such as weekly meetings, time management and good communication with members will push up our progress. With a good time management, now we have a lot of time for quality review and correction before the deadline. I learnt very much from group work experience as it will help me out in increasing good management skill and to achieve the objectives according to prefix quality standards within the time constrains through the planning and good control especially at initial stage. Daily log helped me out to plan and schedule the weekly tasks and overall progress of my work. Following are the key lessons I have learned for future project as a group. Good understanding and friendly work environment. meetings with group members and weekly dairy and should be maintained Time management and planning Good communication and updates sharing. Conclusion The project was managed very calmly and smoothly with help of supervisors guidelines from the first stage and good teams effective communication via (email, phone and weekly meetings) motivation, planning and time management, risk management and most important is self management and motivation. Each team members was very much delegated, punctual and showed their responsibility. The tool of weekly dairy helped me out to align and monitor my each stage and there objectives. We received the feedback and make the updates with weekly group meeting at the start. However, with good time management and understanding of work, our group members met the deadlines but we faced few issues and hurdles regarding understand of topic and search of relevant material like e-article, e-journal and books. But with effective communication between all members via meetings, email, phone all the risks and issues will be overcomes with the time beings. Finally, my project was successfully finished with the mercy of Almighty God and the equal contribution of all team members at there level best and my mothers prayer was with me all the time. At the end, I believed that good management skill and supportive project leader as well as enough support from the supervisor in AMP Week were the reasons for no major issues, hurdles, and deviations from the track. As good management and clear communication helped out greatly to avoid the likely issues and conflicts as every team members were aware of their own deadlines and their own responsibility. I must appreciate this new method of self recording of our daily work for such type of long project which kept us on right path and lesson for time management and reflection of our work for future prospects. I am much satisfied with my work at this stage and learnt a lot for future things as this whole experience of UK changes my lifestyle and it was the lifelong learning for me.